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12 types of behavior, repelling from you people. In your power to change everything!

We wanted the best, but it turned out as always. How often we are led to the bait behaviors, and pay a large sum for it! And it is no secret that our behavior depends on everything that happens to us in everyday life. Do you want to change lives - to change their perception of the world and behavior, getting rid of bad habits, poison your existence.

Many "customers" completely neprisposoblen to life precisely because choosing the wrong type of behavior. Suffering themselves, such people are forced to suffer, and others. Negative behavioral style alienates people from each other and makes them full of misfits, and destroying the careers and personal lives.

No one is immune from the mood swings that occur for different reasons. Often rolled footpath want to choose the most "toxic" style of communicating with a person, definitively ruining exacerbating the problem situation. But people involved in self-development, can control the processes taking place in their minds, and behave exactly even in the most severe cases. Our task - to learn how to take precedence over the usual Twisted behaviors, transferring them in a positive way. So any difficulties will recede, giving the place a good emotions and allowing a wonderful event occurs.

Here are the most common behaviors that ruin your life.

1. You're jealous (jealous)
This is a very frequent lack of behaviors fall into the trap of jealousy piece of cake. It is destructive - your life you begin to feel a hell under the pernicious influence of envy, you see only the bad and become deeply unhappy. In order not to fall under the influence of jealous mood, it is important to remember that compare yourself today you have only the person who you were yesterday. You are your own main rival and the judge, and the lives of others can not be a yardstick for your own. Getting better and do not compare yourself with others.

2. You take things too much to heart
Yes, we all are selfish, that's a fact. Healthy selfishness even necessary for all of us. However, taking all the personal account - is silly. You get rid of many disorders, and anxiety, when you understand that people have no purpose to offend or humiliate you, that their statements are often not at all do not concern you. Take care of your heart and abstracts from the opinions of others, to live like this much easier.

3. You play the victim
Stop complaining! Very often people will inhibit themselves, constantly feeding your sense of sacrifice and suffering. As soon as you realize that your life is in your hands and you have enough power to rectify any situation, things will go smoothly. Control of events, and not be discouraged, you have the resources to cope with everything.

4. You kopish pain and loss
Learn to let go of the past. That was no longer has power over you. Stop recall unpleasant moments and rummage in adverse events, re-living them. Come on, burning bridges in memory, so you'll feel complete, you will have more energy to build their happy moment.

5. You're a pessimist
See all in a bad light - a real nuisance. So bad things seem even more terrible, and all the light denigrated and ports. People are uncomfortable with a man who only sees flaws in all. Change your way of thinking on optimistic, it must be done right now. The result was not long in coming - the optimism will give you the strength to become better and more successful.

6. You can not control your emotions
Break on the people around because any little thing - absolutely disgraceful behavior. Curb your temper tantrums or whining, and you will be much easier to manage events. Sometimes in order to learn how to cope with them, you need a specialist, but it's worth it. Be cautious, and your life will become harmony.

7. You condemn other people
It does not matter why you're used to judge imposed this stereotype or a feeling of self-importance. Next time, before you condemn another, think - what do you need to do. You do not know what prompted another person to certain words and actions, you can not see the root of the problem from the side. Do not waste your strength on the condemnation of the disorder, and use them more efficiently. For example, about their worries meditate.

8. You're a cruel man
Cruelty - the scourge of our time, empathy has become so unpopular phenomenon. But to be cruel - hitting in the first place by itself, is a very powerful emotion and destroy. Hopefully, in the future, humanity and empathy take possession of the world, and yet each in itself to build the church of humanity. To be healthy, happy and fun - be kind.

9. You are deceiving others and behave immorally
Personal integrity to be consistent. If you trust - to justify the confidence! Do not stoop to acts, which can then regret, even if nobody knows about it. Honesty and integrity give a feeling of happiness, with nothing comparable.

10. You play the role of someone else
When the man himself can not distinguish his mask from the face - he was deeply unhappy. Fake identity yet no one gave joy. Always be yourself, you appreciate it the way you are. Each of us is perfect, and everything has its use in this vast world. Be confident in yourself, be real, and the surrounding will appreciate it.

11. You keep waiting for approval
The meaning of life is not to always look good in someone's eyes. The surrounding is very exhausting if you're always trying to lure them to his side, and deserve a positive assessment. Have fun with all that going on, and do not expect any estimates, the complex student will never help you to be happier.

12. You try to do everything perfectly
Perfectionism itself is not bad, but the desire to engage with all the blind ideal measurements - it is unhealthy. Of course, you want to be better and choose the best. But in the pursuit of illusory ideals can lose so much wonderful! What today seems to be the best, tomorrow will be destroyed under your watchful withering look, turn to dust. Do not strive for unattainable ideals, it is reasonable to evaluate all around and put their hearts into everything that you would not do it.

Each of us has its own skeletons in the closet over which need to work hard. Do not be discouraged if you realize how much more work on yourself ahead. The main thing to understand what you need to strive for, and with a positive transfer any complexity. Remember, it depends on you more than you think. Take responsibility for yourself and your behavior and reap the fruits of experience and success.

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