Good news for everyone who worries about nothing: anxiety - a sign of intelligence!
Do you like to worry about and no reason? Always scroll in memory of the past, reflecting on and analyzing them? Can something zamorochitsya from scratch? Oh, and hard as you live ... But one fact can you greatly rejoice - your natural excitement and explained very easily. The fact that the capacity to worry, worry about beyond all measure - a sign of high intelligence. Unexpected fact, is not it?
According to research conducted among university students in Ontario, there is a strong link between human intelligence and its thirst for concern. Those students who have high academic, admitted that there is always something to worry as I can remember.
Of course, you can write off this strange property for other reasons - for example, it is known that lack of sleep also causes anxiety, depriving the rest. But scientists have found an explanation of how the intelligence associated with anxiety. Intellectually developed people are able to see past and future events in detail. This results in a more intense reflection of the different details. Smart people are able to analyze a lot of subconscious non-verbal cues emanating from the speaker. This happens unconsciously, but after a while makes itself felt restless intrusive thoughts, when the brain is caught any discrepancy between the amount received verbal and nonverbal information. Interestingly, though?
What you can do for yourself useful conclusions from this? Think about whether you want to constantly worry. If you are quite happy with this state, it is customary and does not cause discomfort - wonderful. If you tired eternal anxiety and feelings, you should learn how to stop the internal dialogue. It's very simple - listen to yourself. As soon as you catch yourself thinking that you continue to think and analyze any event, to try to discover something that is alarming ... immediately stop! Get used to think only when it is necessary to solve a specific problem, used its resources efficiently. Sucking mind past events, you risk to spoil even the best moments and settle in your soul anxiety, fears, phobias and anxiety. Who needs it? Control your thoughts, and you will feel much happier.
Woe from Wit you completely useless! Let your soul be full of light and calm, and extra reflections never grieve you. Tell all who feel this article.
via takprosto cc
According to research conducted among university students in Ontario, there is a strong link between human intelligence and its thirst for concern. Those students who have high academic, admitted that there is always something to worry as I can remember.
Of course, you can write off this strange property for other reasons - for example, it is known that lack of sleep also causes anxiety, depriving the rest. But scientists have found an explanation of how the intelligence associated with anxiety. Intellectually developed people are able to see past and future events in detail. This results in a more intense reflection of the different details. Smart people are able to analyze a lot of subconscious non-verbal cues emanating from the speaker. This happens unconsciously, but after a while makes itself felt restless intrusive thoughts, when the brain is caught any discrepancy between the amount received verbal and nonverbal information. Interestingly, though?
What you can do for yourself useful conclusions from this? Think about whether you want to constantly worry. If you are quite happy with this state, it is customary and does not cause discomfort - wonderful. If you tired eternal anxiety and feelings, you should learn how to stop the internal dialogue. It's very simple - listen to yourself. As soon as you catch yourself thinking that you continue to think and analyze any event, to try to discover something that is alarming ... immediately stop! Get used to think only when it is necessary to solve a specific problem, used its resources efficiently. Sucking mind past events, you risk to spoil even the best moments and settle in your soul anxiety, fears, phobias and anxiety. Who needs it? Control your thoughts, and you will feel much happier.
Woe from Wit you completely useless! Let your soul be full of light and calm, and extra reflections never grieve you. Tell all who feel this article.
via takprosto cc
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