New Year new life! These 19 tips will learn to enjoy life, even the last tape.
New Year's holidays - is the time to reassess many aspects of their lives. If you're used to being lazy, go with the flow, and it is useless to spend their time - get it over with! Learn to enjoy simple things, because it is from them is so complicated but beautiful state, which we call happiness. Here is a small tips on how to diversify their leisure time in the new year. Look anew at familiar objects and actions, and you will not want to spend their time aimlessly. Enjoy every moment!
1. Seek out the little thing under the bed, which is waiting for you there alone since last year. You can find the unexpected surprises!
2. Turn to your new hobby - such as mountain climbing - and BOAD it immediately. So it is possible to gain experience in many areas of life and make it incredibly exciting!
3. Prepare a tasty and healthy food instead of the usual fast food and a beer with friends.
4. Clean the teeth longer than usual. I know you can!
5. Walk! Nature - a true source of inspiration.
6. Walk on foot on the ladder. Steps - a miracle remedy for laziness.
7. Sleep is so sweet, as if no one sees.
8. Check your voice mail finally!
9. See a doctor about the problem that you ignore quite a while already. You know what I mean.
10. Buy bedding of your dreams, and do not postpone it until better days - immediately laid out!
11. Wake up with the first wake-up call and immediately get out of bed. Well, just to know how it is.
12. Go out for a jog instead of just planning it.
13. smear Nutella on bread for the sake of variety, enough to eat it straight from the jar with a spoon. So delicious!
14. Do not delay and call your grandmother. You've long wanted to do.
15. Get organized in your wardrobe, sometimes you need to do it ...
16. Wash your hair and put them nicely. Stop being lazy to do it!
17. Think about how great something to do instead of having to constantly think about it.
18. Imagine how great to share all their misfortunes with my boyfriend. Find a man, if he is not, if there is a - immediately embrace him.
19. Order pizza - Reward yourself for victory over laziness!
Laziness takes you a lot of effort and time that you could spend on a bright, full of the joy of life. Stop being lazy and razgildyaystvovat in the new year! Believe in yourself, in your strength - you will see how things change, is to try to live differently. Let them dwell in your heart the love of all that you do.
Please send this to all your friends this story, who love to be lazy and postpone the case until later. Gone with positive people!
via takprosto cc
1. Seek out the little thing under the bed, which is waiting for you there alone since last year. You can find the unexpected surprises!

2. Turn to your new hobby - such as mountain climbing - and BOAD it immediately. So it is possible to gain experience in many areas of life and make it incredibly exciting!

3. Prepare a tasty and healthy food instead of the usual fast food and a beer with friends.

4. Clean the teeth longer than usual. I know you can!

5. Walk! Nature - a true source of inspiration.

6. Walk on foot on the ladder. Steps - a miracle remedy for laziness.

7. Sleep is so sweet, as if no one sees.

8. Check your voice mail finally!

9. See a doctor about the problem that you ignore quite a while already. You know what I mean.

10. Buy bedding of your dreams, and do not postpone it until better days - immediately laid out!

11. Wake up with the first wake-up call and immediately get out of bed. Well, just to know how it is.

12. Go out for a jog instead of just planning it.

13. smear Nutella on bread for the sake of variety, enough to eat it straight from the jar with a spoon. So delicious!

14. Do not delay and call your grandmother. You've long wanted to do.

15. Get organized in your wardrobe, sometimes you need to do it ...

16. Wash your hair and put them nicely. Stop being lazy to do it!
17. Think about how great something to do instead of having to constantly think about it.

18. Imagine how great to share all their misfortunes with my boyfriend. Find a man, if he is not, if there is a - immediately embrace him.

19. Order pizza - Reward yourself for victory over laziness!

Laziness takes you a lot of effort and time that you could spend on a bright, full of the joy of life. Stop being lazy and razgildyaystvovat in the new year! Believe in yourself, in your strength - you will see how things change, is to try to live differently. Let them dwell in your heart the love of all that you do.
Please send this to all your friends this story, who love to be lazy and postpone the case until later. Gone with positive people!
via takprosto cc
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