He just cut the cardboard insert from the toilet paper ... And got a great result!
Almost every roll of toilet paper or paper towels used cardboard base, which we usually throw away. But saving it, you can create a unique and very beautiful decoration on the wall. The technique is very simple, and the result depends entirely on your imagination. All you need - it's a cardboard base, scissors and glue. So, we proceed to the creation of a masterpiece.
Splyusni little cardboard to get an ellipse, and cut it into strips 2-3 cm.
Then you can begin to mix the elements.
You yourself can fantasize over the method of bonding, then your possibilities are virtually endless.
Here are some options of products that can be made from this material is uncomplicated.
The basic technique is shown in this video:
A great idea to decorate their four walls. Who would have thought that, not throwing out the cardboard you gather material for the creation of the original features ?!
Show your friends that idea!
via takprosto cc

Splyusni little cardboard to get an ellipse, and cut it into strips 2-3 cm.

Then you can begin to mix the elements.

You yourself can fantasize over the method of bonding, then your possibilities are virtually endless.

Here are some options of products that can be made from this material is uncomplicated.

The basic technique is shown in this video:
A great idea to decorate their four walls. Who would have thought that, not throwing out the cardboard you gather material for the creation of the original features ?!
Show your friends that idea!
via takprosto cc
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