With this trick you cleaned easily his couch almost free. Off all the spots!
Sofa - a cozy place, where it is assumed to relax. Excessive relaxation often leads to the fact that on the sofa spilled drinks and food drops. How awful to watch on your sofa unsightly spots! Even if you zamaskiruesh their lovely pillow, still you will know that they - there ... trouble. Well, there is a tool that solves the problem of pollution of the sofa in no time. Even those spots that are difficult because of the peculiarities of the upholstery, will be displayed. Begin to look for what you need for a perfect cleaning:
- sponge made of natural material;
- a bottle of isopropyl alcohol;
- brush.
This is the result of the normal life of any person - no sofa is not too clean for a long time.
Isopropyl alcohol - an incredibly effective tool against any spots. Always keep a bottle of the house of the alcohol in reserve.
The alcohol evaporates instantly and leaves a perfect purity.
With a brush tidy fluff and microfiber sofa upholstery.
Sofa will look very new! This method upholstery works wonders even with the old, stubborn stains. Arrange home cleaning stains, verify the effectiveness of the means and always tell about it to a friend.
via takprosto cc
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