How to clean the house from the negative energy: 6 Secrets legendary teachings of Feng Shui.
The atmosphere in the house should be comfortable and cozy, so you can yourself feel good in it. But not always a house full of energy relaxation. Why is this happening? The fact that the apartment absorb the mood of all family members. You probably noticed that sometimes, when you walk into any apartment, envelops you the feeling of a harmonious space of this house did not want to leave. In areas with poor energy there is a feeling of discomfort, cold hostility. To learn how to create in your home a good atmosphere, it is necessary to possess a few secrets of feng shui, which we'll now open.
1. Get rid of unnecessary things. Items that you do not use more than a year, emit negative energy poverty and prevent the emergence of income and wealth in the house.
2. Take off the bad energy. Take a shower, rubbed salt body. Kitchen salt - a strong conductor of energy and it is able to remove it from you bad component.
3. Spend energy "healing" ware, mirrors, furniture. To do this you need to throw away all the dishes with cracks or broken off parts, even if these items are very valuable for you.
To clean the mirror, wipe them with a damp cloth in a circular motion 9 times in a clockwise direction. However, you sweep the dust and all the negative energy.
"Heal" furniture, you can use wax candles, turning it clockwise around the interior
4. Do spring cleaning in the house. to open all the windows and ventilate the room well, wipe the walls, floors and windows weak brine. In particular, pay attention to clean the corners of the rooms and the place of the door. And do not forget to rinse the cloth often in flowing water.
5. House surrounded by church incense sticks or candles. Start with a threshold and continue to move clockwise.
6. Put it in the corners of rooms a little salt. It perfectly absorbs negative energy. Leave the salt for a period not less than three days. Then later her into the toilet.
These simple tips will help you to return to the house of good energy and get rid of the negative. Spend these rituals in his house, and you immediately notice the change!
via takprosto cc

1. Get rid of unnecessary things. Items that you do not use more than a year, emit negative energy poverty and prevent the emergence of income and wealth in the house.
2. Take off the bad energy. Take a shower, rubbed salt body. Kitchen salt - a strong conductor of energy and it is able to remove it from you bad component.
3. Spend energy "healing" ware, mirrors, furniture. To do this you need to throw away all the dishes with cracks or broken off parts, even if these items are very valuable for you.
To clean the mirror, wipe them with a damp cloth in a circular motion 9 times in a clockwise direction. However, you sweep the dust and all the negative energy.
"Heal" furniture, you can use wax candles, turning it clockwise around the interior
4. Do spring cleaning in the house. to open all the windows and ventilate the room well, wipe the walls, floors and windows weak brine. In particular, pay attention to clean the corners of the rooms and the place of the door. And do not forget to rinse the cloth often in flowing water.
5. House surrounded by church incense sticks or candles. Start with a threshold and continue to move clockwise.
6. Put it in the corners of rooms a little salt. It perfectly absorbs negative energy. Leave the salt for a period not less than three days. Then later her into the toilet.
These simple tips will help you to return to the house of good energy and get rid of the negative. Spend these rituals in his house, and you immediately notice the change!
via takprosto cc
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