Psychosomatic diseases: if the body was able to speak, you would have learned a lot!
If you could talk to your body, you would have had the unforgettable opportunity to revise their outlook on life! Please take into consideration the voice of the body, it would have stopped you, not only from rash acts, but also the thoughts that displease him ... disease - the result of mental and psychological problems. Modern people are under constant stress, often experience frustration in different spheres of life and ceased to enjoy. Because the body and become weak, sick and unstable to the effects of negative externalities ... Listen to your body - the silence tells you a lot.
Psychosomatics - a science that investigates the effect of the mental state of the body. Conventional medicine can not explain many physiological processes in the body. Diseases come out of nowhere and suddenly disappear, especially such notorious ailments like psoriasis, eczema and systemic allergic reactions. Specialists in psychosomatic medicine argue that treat these diseases need to influence the human psyche. That's because conventional methods are powerless and do not give the result that the mind is not given due attention.
head - diseases of the head represent the essence of a person's identity. If you have problems with the head of a person is in a difficult situation in life, does not want to do that. Headaches and migraines suggests that a person often feels humiliated and offended, has low self-esteem.
Hair - a symbol of the power of man. People who are in constant stress and charge themselves too much bald faster than the others. It not so long ago became common female baldness. This is attributed to the fact that women have begun to carry out man's duties and brought himself to an extreme degree of nervous tension.
Ears - reflect the human ability to hear and listen. Very often, ear problems occur in children who do not want to hear much of what they have to listen to - family quarrels, scandals, shouting. Hearing loss is the unwillingness to hear the man the world, so he's trying to protect themselves from the chaos that reigns around.
Eyes - the ability to see. If a person does not want to notice something in himself or in others, his eyes begin to go blind. Little kids with glasses - a direct pointer to the problems in the family.
neck - is responsible for the flexibility. Neck pain is a punishment for stubborn people who refuse to show flexibility in the natural life.
Throat - sore throat tell that person does not express something to others, does not feel that he is entitled to it. Laryngitis indicates that the sick person for a long time felt anger, cough - fear of change. Problems with glands and the thyroid gland occur in unrealized personalities, those who creatively not show, although very much like this.
Back - a symbol of support and assistance. Experiencing financial problems, people often suffer from diseases of the back of their torment hernia and acute pain in the lumbar region.
Chest - if a woman has a problem with the breast, it is too soluble in someone crushes the other person with their attention, afraid to lose something.
Heart - a symbol of the human ability to love and compassion. If the person is confused in their life dramas and often sad, heart rapidly losing ground. Optimism saves from heart disease!
Stomach - a person's ability to perceive life situations, humble with the circumstances. If you have stomach problems, consider: what can not you accept? Meditation relieves stomach ulcers and improves digestion!
Psychosomatics says that cancer - is the accumulated resentment and overweight people - the need for protection. If you think about it, everything is quite logical. Watch your thoughts, they create your condition and affect health. More positive, and you will be healthier! Conventional medicine often does not justify itself, so the search for alternative ways of treatment and health maintenance continues. Let's see what will happen next ...
via takprosto cc

Psychosomatics - a science that investigates the effect of the mental state of the body. Conventional medicine can not explain many physiological processes in the body. Diseases come out of nowhere and suddenly disappear, especially such notorious ailments like psoriasis, eczema and systemic allergic reactions. Specialists in psychosomatic medicine argue that treat these diseases need to influence the human psyche. That's because conventional methods are powerless and do not give the result that the mind is not given due attention.
head - diseases of the head represent the essence of a person's identity. If you have problems with the head of a person is in a difficult situation in life, does not want to do that. Headaches and migraines suggests that a person often feels humiliated and offended, has low self-esteem.
Hair - a symbol of the power of man. People who are in constant stress and charge themselves too much bald faster than the others. It not so long ago became common female baldness. This is attributed to the fact that women have begun to carry out man's duties and brought himself to an extreme degree of nervous tension.
Ears - reflect the human ability to hear and listen. Very often, ear problems occur in children who do not want to hear much of what they have to listen to - family quarrels, scandals, shouting. Hearing loss is the unwillingness to hear the man the world, so he's trying to protect themselves from the chaos that reigns around.
Eyes - the ability to see. If a person does not want to notice something in himself or in others, his eyes begin to go blind. Little kids with glasses - a direct pointer to the problems in the family.
neck - is responsible for the flexibility. Neck pain is a punishment for stubborn people who refuse to show flexibility in the natural life.
Throat - sore throat tell that person does not express something to others, does not feel that he is entitled to it. Laryngitis indicates that the sick person for a long time felt anger, cough - fear of change. Problems with glands and the thyroid gland occur in unrealized personalities, those who creatively not show, although very much like this.
Back - a symbol of support and assistance. Experiencing financial problems, people often suffer from diseases of the back of their torment hernia and acute pain in the lumbar region.
Chest - if a woman has a problem with the breast, it is too soluble in someone crushes the other person with their attention, afraid to lose something.
Heart - a symbol of the human ability to love and compassion. If the person is confused in their life dramas and often sad, heart rapidly losing ground. Optimism saves from heart disease!
Stomach - a person's ability to perceive life situations, humble with the circumstances. If you have stomach problems, consider: what can not you accept? Meditation relieves stomach ulcers and improves digestion!

Psychosomatics says that cancer - is the accumulated resentment and overweight people - the need for protection. If you think about it, everything is quite logical. Watch your thoughts, they create your condition and affect health. More positive, and you will be healthier! Conventional medicine often does not justify itself, so the search for alternative ways of treatment and health maintenance continues. Let's see what will happen next ...
via takprosto cc
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