6 These wonderful herbs repel insects. What is needed for planting in the country!
Soon the summer, but with the warm sun and bright green grass, it would bring an invasion of annoying flies, mosquitoes and other insects. There are plants that will help you get rid of intruders and deter them their flavor. Moreover, most of them are useful and can be eaten. These herbs can easily be grown in the country, the garden or in a pot on the windowsill.
1. Melissa
Melissa white flowers and delicate lemon flavor, and it has some healing properties. Especially this herb is good for repelling pesky mosquitoes.
2. Catnip
This aromatic plant contains a substance called Nepetalactone that attracts cats, but it repels insects.
3. Basil
Scientific studies have shown that basil repels flies, mosquitoes, aphids and spider mites. If you put basil in a pot and put on the windowsill, the insects will not risk to fly to your house. Also, many gardeners plant basil around the plot of land that needs to be protected.
4. Lavender
The smell of lavender repels moths and mosquitoes. It can be grown in a pot on the balcony.
5. Mint
The smell of mint do not like ants, fleas, flies and mosquitoes, it also repels mice.
6. Rosemary
Rosemary is able to scare away the mosquitoes, so it fit around the house is very effective.
These herbs have been used more than a century, but in recent years they were replaced by a variety of harmful chemicals to repel insects. Try it the next time substitute another repellent fragrant plants!
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1. Melissa
Melissa white flowers and delicate lemon flavor, and it has some healing properties. Especially this herb is good for repelling pesky mosquitoes.
2. Catnip
This aromatic plant contains a substance called Nepetalactone that attracts cats, but it repels insects.
3. Basil
Scientific studies have shown that basil repels flies, mosquitoes, aphids and spider mites. If you put basil in a pot and put on the windowsill, the insects will not risk to fly to your house. Also, many gardeners plant basil around the plot of land that needs to be protected.
4. Lavender
The smell of lavender repels moths and mosquitoes. It can be grown in a pot on the balcony.
5. Mint
The smell of mint do not like ants, fleas, flies and mosquitoes, it also repels mice.
6. Rosemary
Rosemary is able to scare away the mosquitoes, so it fit around the house is very effective.
These herbs have been used more than a century, but in recent years they were replaced by a variety of harmful chemicals to repel insects. Try it the next time substitute another repellent fragrant plants!
Share with your friends these helpful tips to repel insects!
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