Baking soda in the fight with cancer: an incredible theory of Italian doctor!
Tulio Simoncini - former Italian oncologist who developed the theory that all cancers are caused exclusively by a fungus called Candida Albicans. « Cancer - a fungus and it can be treated with sodium bicarbonate em>», - said Simoncini. During his research, he found that all types of cancer showed themselves equally, regardless of in which organ or tissue to form tumors.
According to Simoncini, the development of cancer in the body is as follows. When the immune system is weakened, the fungus Candida begins to multiply, forming a kind of "colony." Trying to protect the body from foreign invasion (thrush), the immune cells begin to build a barrier of cells. This process is called in medical oncology disease.
Traditional medicine believes the spread of "malignant" tumor - is the spread of metastases. But Simoncini claims that metastasis is the fungus Candida which disperses throughout the body. And if the fungus is able to destroy only the cells of healthy, fully functioning immune system, the key to recovery is not that other, as the immune system.
It is known that fungi Candida - anaerobic, ie they generate energy without oxygen. Thereafter fungus enters the bloodstream, it can colonize certain local areas of the body, and to significantly reduce the oxygen content in the area. As a result, local cells do not die, and switch its own production of energy on the system, which does not use oxygen. Cancer cells use a similar system, because they do not need oxygen to produce energy from their food molecules.
The results showed that women who took antibiotics for more than 25 times throughout his life, twice the risk of getting breast cancer. Since the immune system is reduced in such cases, the fungus Candado gets more chances to survive in the intestines and spread throughout the body with the blood flow.
According to numerous experiments, antifungal drugs are not effective in the fight against Candida Albicans. And only time-tested, low-cost and affordable - sodium bicarbonate - was a revelation not only for doctors, but also for his patients.
While Simoncini not developed his theory, he was a respected Italian oncologist. However, his fight against cancer tumors using the usual baking soda was the last straw for the Italian colleagues. Against doctors launched a large-scale media group, was stripped of his medical license (for the treatment of patients with drugs that have not been approved) and even jailed for 3 years!
The essence of treating cancer by Simoncini is that in the body to create conditions in which Candida can flourish. And most importantly, what the medicine is cheap and everyone knows literally from the cradle. Italian doctors believe or not - everyone's right. However, the fact that this disease still is a struggle and physicians, tirelessly looking for ways to save mankind, even at the cost of freedom - can not fail to inspire optimism and faith in the future. Tell a friend about this interesting article. And let all the diseases you bypass the party!
via takprosto cc
According to Simoncini, the development of cancer in the body is as follows. When the immune system is weakened, the fungus Candida begins to multiply, forming a kind of "colony." Trying to protect the body from foreign invasion (thrush), the immune cells begin to build a barrier of cells. This process is called in medical oncology disease.
Traditional medicine believes the spread of "malignant" tumor - is the spread of metastases. But Simoncini claims that metastasis is the fungus Candida which disperses throughout the body. And if the fungus is able to destroy only the cells of healthy, fully functioning immune system, the key to recovery is not that other, as the immune system.
It is known that fungi Candida - anaerobic, ie they generate energy without oxygen. Thereafter fungus enters the bloodstream, it can colonize certain local areas of the body, and to significantly reduce the oxygen content in the area. As a result, local cells do not die, and switch its own production of energy on the system, which does not use oxygen. Cancer cells use a similar system, because they do not need oxygen to produce energy from their food molecules.
The results showed that women who took antibiotics for more than 25 times throughout his life, twice the risk of getting breast cancer. Since the immune system is reduced in such cases, the fungus Candado gets more chances to survive in the intestines and spread throughout the body with the blood flow.
According to numerous experiments, antifungal drugs are not effective in the fight against Candida Albicans. And only time-tested, low-cost and affordable - sodium bicarbonate - was a revelation not only for doctors, but also for his patients.
While Simoncini not developed his theory, he was a respected Italian oncologist. However, his fight against cancer tumors using the usual baking soda was the last straw for the Italian colleagues. Against doctors launched a large-scale media group, was stripped of his medical license (for the treatment of patients with drugs that have not been approved) and even jailed for 3 years!
The essence of treating cancer by Simoncini is that in the body to create conditions in which Candida can flourish. And most importantly, what the medicine is cheap and everyone knows literally from the cradle. Italian doctors believe or not - everyone's right. However, the fact that this disease still is a struggle and physicians, tirelessly looking for ways to save mankind, even at the cost of freedom - can not fail to inspire optimism and faith in the future. Tell a friend about this interesting article. And let all the diseases you bypass the party!
via takprosto cc
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