With Schizandra you instantly forget about coffee. Flawless natural stimulant!
The fruits of Schisandra ripen in September, which means - it's time to harvest! These magical berries are an excellent medicinal raw materials. As part of the berries of the Chinese magnolia vine is present substance schizandrin em>, an excellent natural stimulant. Schizandrin increases blood pressure, has a tonic and tonic effect. For a good work of the central nervous system, respiratory system and heart lemongrass extremely useful! Miracle fruit increase efficiency and shows all the people who have serious mental and physical stress. For people with low blood pressure, this plant - a real lifesaver. Boil dried fruit or jam lemongrass you can replace your morning coffee: the effect is very powerful, the body to provide energy for the whole day. When vascular dystonia, asthenic syndrome and general weakness is a valuable product to include in your diet a vitamin. Here are some recipes from the fruits of Schisandra to successfully replace many medicines and improve health. Lucky for those who grow Chinese magnolia vine at his dacha ...
Chinese magnolia vine is often called "berry five tastes». The fruit combines the impossible: simultaneously bitter, sweet, sour, salty and tart taste. All that you cook from lemongrass, be very specific - the drug, to be sure!
Tincture of fresh berries Schisandra
This is a very powerful tonic! Pour 3 parts Schisandra berries 1 part 70% alcohol. A day later the drug is ready for use. It should take 20 drops, mix with water, half an hour before meals three times a day. Tincture of fatigue, sleepiness, increases appetite and tones the body's defenses.
Tincture "Strong»
Schisandra berries and grind them zaley 70% alcohol. 20 g of berries need 100 ml alcohol - 1: 5. The bottle of dark glass insist lemongrass to 10 days, shaking occasionally. Then strain the infusion, wring out the residue and add it to the strained liquid. After a couple of days tincture ready. As a preventive measure, and for the treatment of nervous exhaustion take 30 drops of tincture of fasting for 3 weeks.
Powder from seed magnolia
Berries grind, separate the seeds and dry them. Prepare powder with a grinder. 3 grams per day of the drug sufficient to maintain a very high efficiency. Powder from the seeds of Schisandra recommended for athletes and people who often work night shifts.
Lemongrass with honey
The fruits of Schisandra wash, cut in half and pour honey. Store mixture in a refrigerator. Excellent replacement lemon tea! Spoon lemongrass and honey will quickly wake up in the morning and included in the new energetic day.
The juice from the berries of Schisandra
Squeeze the juice from ripe berries Schisandra, you can leave it in the bones, it is possible - to take out, because they have a characteristic bitter taste. Mix the juice with sugar, zaley in a container of dark glass. The juice is stored in a well-sealed container up to 3 years without plesneveya not sour. It can be used with tea, add to baked goods, desserts - delicate lemon flavor is incredibly pleasant.
Apple jam with lemongrass Chinese
For the jam will need Schisandra berries, apples and sugar. Decoction of lemongrass, wipe it through a sieve. A lot of nutrients it contains seeds - do not throw them away, leave in the jam. Skip apples through a meat grinder and welded together with lemon and sugar. Delicate jam with a pleasant aroma is ready! You can add as much sugar as you like, depending on taste preferences. But even with a small amount of sugar that will jam delicious, and most importantly, will benefit more than the usual jam.
When the forces leave, there comes apathy, do not want to do - take a few Chinese magnolia vine. If there is no fresh berries, you can chew dried lemongrass, which is always there in abundance on the shelf with dried fruit. Even dried fruit valuable. Dry leaves and sprouts of lemongrass can be brewed - get spicy invigorating tea. Lemongrass is used to treat impotence and gastritis - with high acidity use the powder from the seeds at low - berry juice. Chinese magnolia vine includes the cerebral cortex, but it does not cause depletion of nerve cells! This immaculate natural stimulant without habituation effect. Lemongrass is contraindicated in people with disorders of the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, children under 12 and pregnant women.
We recommend that you take advantage of the healing properties of Chinese magnolia vine! Tell your friends about this wonderful facility.
via takprosto cc
Chinese magnolia vine is often called "berry five tastes». The fruit combines the impossible: simultaneously bitter, sweet, sour, salty and tart taste. All that you cook from lemongrass, be very specific - the drug, to be sure!
Tincture of fresh berries Schisandra
This is a very powerful tonic! Pour 3 parts Schisandra berries 1 part 70% alcohol. A day later the drug is ready for use. It should take 20 drops, mix with water, half an hour before meals three times a day. Tincture of fatigue, sleepiness, increases appetite and tones the body's defenses.
Tincture "Strong»
Schisandra berries and grind them zaley 70% alcohol. 20 g of berries need 100 ml alcohol - 1: 5. The bottle of dark glass insist lemongrass to 10 days, shaking occasionally. Then strain the infusion, wring out the residue and add it to the strained liquid. After a couple of days tincture ready. As a preventive measure, and for the treatment of nervous exhaustion take 30 drops of tincture of fasting for 3 weeks.
Powder from seed magnolia
Berries grind, separate the seeds and dry them. Prepare powder with a grinder. 3 grams per day of the drug sufficient to maintain a very high efficiency. Powder from the seeds of Schisandra recommended for athletes and people who often work night shifts.
Lemongrass with honey
The fruits of Schisandra wash, cut in half and pour honey. Store mixture in a refrigerator. Excellent replacement lemon tea! Spoon lemongrass and honey will quickly wake up in the morning and included in the new energetic day.
The juice from the berries of Schisandra
Squeeze the juice from ripe berries Schisandra, you can leave it in the bones, it is possible - to take out, because they have a characteristic bitter taste. Mix the juice with sugar, zaley in a container of dark glass. The juice is stored in a well-sealed container up to 3 years without plesneveya not sour. It can be used with tea, add to baked goods, desserts - delicate lemon flavor is incredibly pleasant.
Apple jam with lemongrass Chinese
For the jam will need Schisandra berries, apples and sugar. Decoction of lemongrass, wipe it through a sieve. A lot of nutrients it contains seeds - do not throw them away, leave in the jam. Skip apples through a meat grinder and welded together with lemon and sugar. Delicate jam with a pleasant aroma is ready! You can add as much sugar as you like, depending on taste preferences. But even with a small amount of sugar that will jam delicious, and most importantly, will benefit more than the usual jam.
When the forces leave, there comes apathy, do not want to do - take a few Chinese magnolia vine. If there is no fresh berries, you can chew dried lemongrass, which is always there in abundance on the shelf with dried fruit. Even dried fruit valuable. Dry leaves and sprouts of lemongrass can be brewed - get spicy invigorating tea. Lemongrass is used to treat impotence and gastritis - with high acidity use the powder from the seeds at low - berry juice. Chinese magnolia vine includes the cerebral cortex, but it does not cause depletion of nerve cells! This immaculate natural stimulant without habituation effect. Lemongrass is contraindicated in people with disorders of the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, children under 12 and pregnant women.
We recommend that you take advantage of the healing properties of Chinese magnolia vine! Tell your friends about this wonderful facility.
via takprosto cc
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