It's no secret that fruits and vegetables - it is an invaluable source of vitamins for the body. But if you combine the vegetables and fruits in this way, then you can get even more value for your body.
Carrot + Ginger + Apple = Will support and strengthen the immune system.
Apple + Cucumber + Celery = prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol levels in the body, relieve stomach upset and headache.
Apple + Carrot Tomato + = improve the color of the skin and eliminate bad breath.
Milk + hot pepper + Apple = Reduces the temperature and prevents bad breath.
Orange + Ginger + Cucumber = Improves skin tone, moisturizes it acts as a means temperaturoponizhayuschee.
Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon = Displays extra salt, improves kidney and bladder.
Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi = Improves skin tone and hydrates it.
Banana + Pear = Regulates blood sugar levels.
Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango = Acts as an anti-toxic agent, reduces blood pressure and high acidity of the body.
Grape + Watermelon + Milk = Vitamins C, B2, which increases the body improve immunity.
Papaya + Pineapple + milk = Vitamins C, E, Iron. Improves skin tone and metabolism in the body.
Banana + Pineapple + milk = prevents constipation.
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