Cry of pain and despair: 20 brilliant quotations drivers during rush hour.
What else to do in traffic jams, they do not write posts in different web applications ?! Communicating with friends on the grief, you realize that you're not the only one "lucky". These are the emotional comments lovers roads can be found on the Internet. This brilliant 20 citations drivers during rush hour. Being in a huge machine jams, they do not think about spelling, grammar, punctuation, or even of censorship ... As they say, from the song words can not erase!
Even in such a tense atmosphere, they retain a sense of humor! The next time you're in a traffic jam, know you are not alone! Stay calm among the hustle and bustle. Show the complete despair, but very funny comments to friends.
via ofigenno cc

Even in such a tense atmosphere, they retain a sense of humor! The next time you're in a traffic jam, know you are not alone! Stay calm among the hustle and bustle. Show the complete despair, but very funny comments to friends.
via ofigenno cc
Old age is not a hindrance to them! 21 illustration of a pretty darn fun and provocative oldies.
He arranges a meeting with each of its 1088-mi friends on Facebook. Down with the virtual life!