He was born on the 5th month and weighed only a pound. No one believed that he would survive, but a miracle happened!
Doctors do not give a guarantee that he will survive. The boy was born on the 5th month and weighed only a pound. Unfortunately, these figures were malosovmestimymi life.
These pictures can not watch without tears of pity, but doctors fought for life in every way Tkordolino. Fortunately, faith and modern medicine can work wonders. Physically weak baby turned out to be a strong will and spirit. Besides, he had a great will to live. The boy survived ...
very touching picture: a father for the first time picked up his crumbs. He covered almost toddler hand. Just look at a pen the size of a baby daddy's fingernail!
But look at this robust fellow after 130 days, immediately after returning from the ICU. It now does not know! Finally, the family was able to take Tkordolino home. They can not get enough direct this tiny happiness that weighs 3, 5 kilograms.
As a sweet boy he sleeps ... he managed to survive, and now he needs to gain strength for further exploits.
Faith and the will to live can turn the mountains! Tell us about this touching story to your friends - even if they never stop believing in miracles.
These pictures can not watch without tears of pity, but doctors fought for life in every way Tkordolino. Fortunately, faith and modern medicine can work wonders. Physically weak baby turned out to be a strong will and spirit. Besides, he had a great will to live. The boy survived ...

very touching picture: a father for the first time picked up his crumbs. He covered almost toddler hand. Just look at a pen the size of a baby daddy's fingernail!

But look at this robust fellow after 130 days, immediately after returning from the ICU. It now does not know! Finally, the family was able to take Tkordolino home. They can not get enough direct this tiny happiness that weighs 3, 5 kilograms.

As a sweet boy he sleeps ... he managed to survive, and now he needs to gain strength for further exploits.

Faith and the will to live can turn the mountains! Tell us about this touching story to your friends - even if they never stop believing in miracles.
Water is listening to us, too! This special properties of water you can not even guess.
Look at what's left of "Coca-Cola", if it is boiled. I do not do it, and sip!