This chick fell out of the nest and die ... But look what happened in 36 days!
Dropping out of the nest, newborn chicks usually die. Fortunately, this new-born songbird has miraculously found his brother veterinarian, who just came out for a jog.
Vet gave himself every step of surprising recovery bird.
Day 1
This is the first day of the baby with us. My brother found her on the sidewalk while jogging. She had just hatched, and pieces of shell were still on it. Jack collapsed completely, so we were not able to place it on the neighboring trees.
Day 2
Although not particularly attractive appearance, little chicks in their own sweet. We kept the bird in an incubator while controlling temperature and humidity. We decided that this girl (though I confess honestly, I had no idea how to determine the sex of a baby bird), and called it the dumpling.
Day 3
Small birds eat a lot! We fed Klёtsku crickets, worms, insects and caught a cheap special essences for chicks. We are allowed to eat for 30 minutes every 14 hours. Just imagine how many insects to catch parents nestling in the natural environment to feed their offspring!
Day 4
Today you can see the remarkable transformation of feathers on the wings. And she has a funny fluffy irokezik color.
Day 5
Dumpling learned to confidently sit. Look how it has changed feathers in just 24 hours! And she began to open his eyes!
Day 6
Here's a nice picture, which shows how well developed her feathers. You can see them in the cornea. When the wings grow to the desired size, this shell is broken, and give them the opportunity to finish.
Day 7
During the night the whole shell Sprinkle, and here it is, our little bird! Here you can also see the bent finger on foot, but do not worry, he told her in no way interfered with.
Day 8
«Feed me !!!» i>
Day 9
We stopped using the incubator, as already covered with bird feathers and learned to regulate their body temperature. However, the less funny it is not made.
Day 10
We gave her a new cell. She was happy, despite the expression of their faces.
Day 17
We found a little more for her cell and put to many different branches. Who would have thought it flies and jumps from branch to branch like a pro!
Day 23
This is one of my favorite photos Cletsky. Here you can see how to transform its feathers. We decided that it is likely to belong to the species Griffon zonotrihii or ordinary sparrow oatmeal. Both species are migratory, and we hope that our bird will be able to adapt.
Day 29
She was delighted when we put in a cage a few twigs with leaves! Birds love its kind buds of trees, so she immediately began to search for them.
Day 36
Here it is - Freedom Day! All the conditions were perfect for our little Klёtsku release, so we decided that this day is perfect for such an event.
Farewell, dumpling! We opened the cage, fell back, and the bird immediately flew out and sat on a nearby branch. She had no doubts and immediately began to explore the world. Soon we lost sight of her.
Of course, nature does not knowingly invented natural selection, but sometimes it wants to help the helpless creature! If you are moved by the story of salvation small bird - her share with your friends!
Vet gave himself every step of surprising recovery bird.
Day 1
This is the first day of the baby with us. My brother found her on the sidewalk while jogging. She had just hatched, and pieces of shell were still on it. Jack collapsed completely, so we were not able to place it on the neighboring trees.

Day 2
Although not particularly attractive appearance, little chicks in their own sweet. We kept the bird in an incubator while controlling temperature and humidity. We decided that this girl (though I confess honestly, I had no idea how to determine the sex of a baby bird), and called it the dumpling.

Day 3
Small birds eat a lot! We fed Klёtsku crickets, worms, insects and caught a cheap special essences for chicks. We are allowed to eat for 30 minutes every 14 hours. Just imagine how many insects to catch parents nestling in the natural environment to feed their offspring!

Day 4
Today you can see the remarkable transformation of feathers on the wings. And she has a funny fluffy irokezik color.

Day 5
Dumpling learned to confidently sit. Look how it has changed feathers in just 24 hours! And she began to open his eyes!

Day 6
Here's a nice picture, which shows how well developed her feathers. You can see them in the cornea. When the wings grow to the desired size, this shell is broken, and give them the opportunity to finish.

Day 7
During the night the whole shell Sprinkle, and here it is, our little bird! Here you can also see the bent finger on foot, but do not worry, he told her in no way interfered with.

Day 8
«Feed me !!!» i>

Day 9
We stopped using the incubator, as already covered with bird feathers and learned to regulate their body temperature. However, the less funny it is not made.

Day 10
We gave her a new cell. She was happy, despite the expression of their faces.

Day 17
We found a little more for her cell and put to many different branches. Who would have thought it flies and jumps from branch to branch like a pro!

Day 23
This is one of my favorite photos Cletsky. Here you can see how to transform its feathers. We decided that it is likely to belong to the species Griffon zonotrihii or ordinary sparrow oatmeal. Both species are migratory, and we hope that our bird will be able to adapt.

Day 29
She was delighted when we put in a cage a few twigs with leaves! Birds love its kind buds of trees, so she immediately began to search for them.

Day 36
Here it is - Freedom Day! All the conditions were perfect for our little Klёtsku release, so we decided that this day is perfect for such an event.

Farewell, dumpling! We opened the cage, fell back, and the bird immediately flew out and sat on a nearby branch. She had no doubts and immediately began to explore the world. Soon we lost sight of her.
Of course, nature does not knowingly invented natural selection, but sometimes it wants to help the helpless creature! If you are moved by the story of salvation small bird - her share with your friends!
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