Free hugs! Only today you will not find it a fool if you embrace a stranger ...
December 4 in the calendar of every romance circled in red, because today all over the world celebrate the International Day of hugs. The holiday originated in student circles of European youth in the 70s of the last century. Why this date was chosen for such an event - is unknown. But, nevertheless, on this day young people are embedded in its embrace each other without anyone on the occasion.
Said during a friendly hug people share warmth. Just embrace proven benefit and scientific research that has shown that friendly touch enhance immunity, stimulate the central nervous system, increases blood levels of hemoglobin. Moreover, if a person has a sincere obnimashki produces the hormone oxytocin, which causes favorable disposition towards others.
Hug Day - it's a great tradition also because you can hug anyone, and often "victims" are the embrace of strangers. And if you still think that any passerby hugging - this is stupid, then look at this video of the world-famous action «Free Huggs». Apparently, citizens of the "free obnimashek" delighted!
Do not forget to congratulate your friends with this lovely day - Show it is a video and put them in your cuddles! Let them feel, at last, all the power of your love, friendship ...
Said during a friendly hug people share warmth. Just embrace proven benefit and scientific research that has shown that friendly touch enhance immunity, stimulate the central nervous system, increases blood levels of hemoglobin. Moreover, if a person has a sincere obnimashki produces the hormone oxytocin, which causes favorable disposition towards others.
Hug Day - it's a great tradition also because you can hug anyone, and often "victims" are the embrace of strangers. And if you still think that any passerby hugging - this is stupid, then look at this video of the world-famous action «Free Huggs». Apparently, citizens of the "free obnimashek" delighted!
Do not forget to congratulate your friends with this lovely day - Show it is a video and put them in your cuddles! Let them feel, at last, all the power of your love, friendship ...
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