This heroic act could cost him his life! But he threw himself into the icy lake to save a duck ...

Salvation drowning - not always the handiwork of drowning. Sometimes an animal falls into a hopeless situation where it may just save a man. Luckily, this guy turned around when the duck was in trouble.

Duck, suspecting nothing, went for a walk on the frozen lake.

But then she falls through the ice ...

36-year-old Lars dives into a frozen lake to save the animal.

Lars had to give artificial respiration to duck back to life.

And now they - the best of friends.

Maybe a duck and not able to express words of gratitude. But it is now the heart will always belong to Lars. B>

I'm not the first time I hear about how people risk their lives to drowning the animal. Do you remember the story of how a man saved from drowning bear? And it proves once again that we need to help each other. Tell your friend this wonderful story of salvation!