30 images that play with your imagination cruel joke. Laugh till you drop!
Once upon a time, to make a good shot, I had to carry with them in the laboratory with special equipment more than one hour. Each frame is then valued at a premium. In contrast, in the era of digital photography, you can with a clear conscience, afford unprecedented luxury to do an unlimited number of images in a variety of settings and in a variety of ways. Admit it, this also has its perks. However, this can get out of anything ... For example, here are the pictures here, by which the photographers managed to capture the funny and unexpected moments. These photos should look not once, but then you never know what you will come to mind when you look at it the first time ...
Here's a nezhdanchik ...
There is life in the old dog!
Everything in this world is relative.
The great guru ...
It's just magic!
The kid is growing before our eyes.
The new superhero - a man-sausage.
Flying ship.
A little miscalculated ...
The same story ...
So you still have not seen it!
imagined ...
Do you think that the stories of horny wives - a myth?
Fashion trends change ...
«the queen gave birth to a son that night, not the dog».
to measure ...
Yes, some images really better look twice. And when you finally realize what they represented - the smile on your face is guaranteed! Lift your mood to your friends - show them these funny pictures!
Here's a nezhdanchik ...

There is life in the old dog!
Everything in this world is relative.

The great guru ...

It's just magic!

The kid is growing before our eyes.

The new superhero - a man-sausage.

Flying ship.

A little miscalculated ...
The same story ...

So you still have not seen it!

imagined ...

Do you think that the stories of horny wives - a myth?

Fashion trends change ...

«the queen gave birth to a son that night, not the dog».

to measure ...

Yes, some images really better look twice. And when you finally realize what they represented - the smile on your face is guaranteed! Lift your mood to your friends - show them these funny pictures!
60 the most common expressions in English, without which it can not do. Take note!
It revealed the secret of making dollars. I never thought that they are doing so!