He drank coffee cup and threw ... help the environment! An incredible invention.
It is no secret that the environmental problem is now concerned about a lot. After all, people consumerism has reached such a level that has passed all bounds of what is permitted. It seems mankind has been trying to turn our previously flourishing, clean, green planet into a cesspool. So now the public attention focused on the problem of processing and recycling of waste without harming the environment.
Especially painful is the theme of all the plastic utensils, which practically does not decompose, getting into the soil. But somehow it is used by millions, if not billions of people around the globe. For those who are not indifferent to this very important issue, there is great news. More recently, the American company «Reduce. Reuse. Grow. », Which specializes in waste processing and secondary use it, make all fans of eco-products, to create a truly brilliant and necessary thing. This is the unusual cups, which will soon have to replace the plastic counterparts. The novelty is not only the fact that is made of environmentally friendly materials. These cups are unique in that they contain in their walls are the real seeds of different crops, so that they can plant and grow ...!
So the company wants to attract the public to the problem of preserving the ecological balance in the world. In the near future it is expected that all the shops and restaurants that will support such an action would be to encourage people to germinate "cup" with his own hands or return the company-manufacturer. Do everything very simple: after using tear cup, put in water for five minutes, and then planted in the ground and watch as you grow planted miracle.
The formula is quite simple: "planted" a glass - and he grow up a tree that will produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.
In other words, ekostakanchik 1 = 1 tree = 1 ton of carbon dioxide absorbed by over 40 years. For comparison, one plastic cup equals 35 grams of carbon dioxide separated in the atmosphere. I think the choice is obvious.
Incidentally, the cups are made of a special paper impregnated with fertilizers for growing a good crop and below contains detailed instructions.
The walls of the glasses are placed not any seeds, namely those crops for which data are climatic conditions and soil type are the most favorable.
Just amazing that in this era of consumerism and the total destruction of the nature of someone else thinks about the future. Such ideas will surely make our lives better. And it is good that the developers have realized it now, while it is not too late. Together, you can save the Earth. Do not be indifferent!
If you are crazy about this wonderful idea, share it with your friends. They are of such a hardly heard.
Especially painful is the theme of all the plastic utensils, which practically does not decompose, getting into the soil. But somehow it is used by millions, if not billions of people around the globe. For those who are not indifferent to this very important issue, there is great news. More recently, the American company «Reduce. Reuse. Grow. », Which specializes in waste processing and secondary use it, make all fans of eco-products, to create a truly brilliant and necessary thing. This is the unusual cups, which will soon have to replace the plastic counterparts. The novelty is not only the fact that is made of environmentally friendly materials. These cups are unique in that they contain in their walls are the real seeds of different crops, so that they can plant and grow ...!

So the company wants to attract the public to the problem of preserving the ecological balance in the world. In the near future it is expected that all the shops and restaurants that will support such an action would be to encourage people to germinate "cup" with his own hands or return the company-manufacturer. Do everything very simple: after using tear cup, put in water for five minutes, and then planted in the ground and watch as you grow planted miracle.

The formula is quite simple: "planted" a glass - and he grow up a tree that will produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.

In other words, ekostakanchik 1 = 1 tree = 1 ton of carbon dioxide absorbed by over 40 years. For comparison, one plastic cup equals 35 grams of carbon dioxide separated in the atmosphere. I think the choice is obvious.

Incidentally, the cups are made of a special paper impregnated with fertilizers for growing a good crop and below contains detailed instructions.

The walls of the glasses are placed not any seeds, namely those crops for which data are climatic conditions and soil type are the most favorable.
Just amazing that in this era of consumerism and the total destruction of the nature of someone else thinks about the future. Such ideas will surely make our lives better. And it is good that the developers have realized it now, while it is not too late. Together, you can save the Earth. Do not be indifferent!
If you are crazy about this wonderful idea, share it with your friends. They are of such a hardly heard.
At first glance, it's a cute picture of affection on the woodpecker ... But in reality it is not so harmless ...
This 8 year old girl gets gifts from the crows, which it has fed up to 4 years. Incredible story!