Their loyalty is boundless! Dozens of stray dogs came to honor the memory to feed their women ...
It's no secret that the dog - very loyal creatures. For each dog its owner if a god. Dog's loyalty is unshakable. Our chetyrehlapye friends willing to serve his master until his death ... and maybe even after, in the case of an animal lover from the Spanish town of Merida - Margarita Suarez, who recently, unfortunately, left this world. Woman fed up every day dozens of stray cats and dogs. But animals do not forget to do good to them ... When the old lady died, to honor her memory, except for the people it was a road, came dozens of stray dogs. Animals lay near the ashes of Marguerite and seemed to grieve together with all those present.
It is learned that wherever Margarita Suarez went, she always took with him a bag of food to feed all of the road stray cats and dogs. < br />
Realizing that the dog wants to say goodbye to his dobrodetelnitsey relatives animals allowed for a farewell ceremony.
On the day of the funeral of the dog until the end of the body cremated followed Margarita Suarez.
«They now and then barked and wagged their tails. It seemed, as they like to say to this good soul last "farewell» », i> - tells the daughter of Margaret Patricia. B>
In addition to dogs, the funeral was also attended by the birds, which are often fed up Margarita.
This case proves that people sometimes forget, but Animals remember the shown love for them ... We are all after the death of get what we deserve. Leave behind a decent mark on the ground. Share this incredible story with your friends.

It is learned that wherever Margarita Suarez went, she always took with him a bag of food to feed all of the road stray cats and dogs. < br />

Realizing that the dog wants to say goodbye to his dobrodetelnitsey relatives animals allowed for a farewell ceremony.

On the day of the funeral of the dog until the end of the body cremated followed Margarita Suarez.

«They now and then barked and wagged their tails. It seemed, as they like to say to this good soul last "farewell» », i> - tells the daughter of Margaret Patricia. B>

In addition to dogs, the funeral was also attended by the birds, which are often fed up Margarita.
This case proves that people sometimes forget, but Animals remember the shown love for them ... We are all after the death of get what we deserve. Leave behind a decent mark on the ground. Share this incredible story with your friends.
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