Choose the path that you liked. She will tell you that is waiting for you just around the corner ...
The main problem of modern people is that they are too addicted to someone else's life, without referring to his own "I". How much time each person spends in the "hunt" for new photos of friends in social networks, writing a blank comment in tracing events from the lives of others, by comparison, complaints, gossip and squabbles ... I think it's time to change something if do not want to get bogged down in this up to his neck ... Team offers you start first with self-knowledge. If you have already passed the test incredibly truthful, telling about your character, select one from the door, it's time to move on to another, no less interesting jobs. Presented below is a good test will help delve into yourself and find out what awaits you in the near future. It's enough just to choose the path that you most like ... You can, of course, to get around the side of the test, but the results tend to affect its truthfulness. Check for yourself!
path number 1
You - a full person who knows a lot about beauty. You feel at ease when you are surrounded by people and the things that you care about. You have chosen the path of blossoming, and this means that every little pleasure brings you so much fun! You knowingly chose a path full of colors, rather something literally blossom in your life. Just before that you have to go through a small test - you should look at this colorful road lies a boulder. It will be a real adventure, which is a good shake you. Very soon, you tell the world about yourself!
Footpath number 2
You - a man-mountain, energetic person who is ready to go ahead. Such people look boldly into the eyes of all the troubles and woes, are always ready to lend a helping hand, they can rely. Baby: the path is paved in stone, but it does not prevent you choose it! Are you ready to take any challenge fate and bravely join the battle right now. Continue in the same spirit, the cherished goal is very close. However, do not be afraid to show his weakness, and one person can not always draw all by yourself.
The path number 3
You - a man-thinking, wise man who likes to weigh everything before you make the right choice. You're calm and measured way of life, watching and contemplating. Please note: the image can not see the end of the road ... This indicates that you may need to set yourself clear goals and be more impulsive, to know what's waiting for you in the future and on the right there you go. At the same time do not let outsiders to interfere in your internal world: your peace of mind - it's your strength.
The path number 4
You - an extraordinary personality, which is present in the lives of unusual events, extravagant things, bright flashes and impulsive reactions. Your insides rapid surprises, charms and even shocking others. You chose this path without reason: such a road under the shade of tall trees shows that you are not important to look forward and upward. So where are you now, as a rule, prevails over what awaits you on. Be careful, because sometimes you need to look around the sides. Your sense of humor and joie de vivre - your main highlight. However, do not be afraid to show someone that you can be serious.
The path number 5
You - skromnyaga friendly, which is not used to conceal the soul hatred and resentment. Experience shows that people who have chosen this path, do not like to bother with trifles: they see the world is much broader. You choose a picture, which shows a fall in all its glory. This transition season between hot summers and icy winters. Perhaps now you rest on something or are in anticipation of a great miracle, being, so to speak, in the intermediate state. The road to the goal can be quite tortuous, but not for nothing that people say: through the thorns - to the stars!
Footpath number 6
You - a thoughtful person who likes to be alone with him, or in a circle of very close. Responsiveness, compassion - your horse. You have chosen a path on which virtually invisible sun and light. Perhaps it says that you it's time to be alone with his thoughts. It is time to deal with their aspirations, goals, motives. Baby: light at the end of the tunnel very close!
We hope this simple test has shed light on some of the issues that have long plagued your soul. Psychologists say that the great task of this kind help the person to analyze their own behavior and to direct energy in the right direction. Passed the test itself - to share with others: people always want to know that they are destined.
via ofigenno ru

path number 1
You - a full person who knows a lot about beauty. You feel at ease when you are surrounded by people and the things that you care about. You have chosen the path of blossoming, and this means that every little pleasure brings you so much fun! You knowingly chose a path full of colors, rather something literally blossom in your life. Just before that you have to go through a small test - you should look at this colorful road lies a boulder. It will be a real adventure, which is a good shake you. Very soon, you tell the world about yourself!

Footpath number 2
You - a man-mountain, energetic person who is ready to go ahead. Such people look boldly into the eyes of all the troubles and woes, are always ready to lend a helping hand, they can rely. Baby: the path is paved in stone, but it does not prevent you choose it! Are you ready to take any challenge fate and bravely join the battle right now. Continue in the same spirit, the cherished goal is very close. However, do not be afraid to show his weakness, and one person can not always draw all by yourself.

The path number 3
You - a man-thinking, wise man who likes to weigh everything before you make the right choice. You're calm and measured way of life, watching and contemplating. Please note: the image can not see the end of the road ... This indicates that you may need to set yourself clear goals and be more impulsive, to know what's waiting for you in the future and on the right there you go. At the same time do not let outsiders to interfere in your internal world: your peace of mind - it's your strength.

The path number 4
You - an extraordinary personality, which is present in the lives of unusual events, extravagant things, bright flashes and impulsive reactions. Your insides rapid surprises, charms and even shocking others. You chose this path without reason: such a road under the shade of tall trees shows that you are not important to look forward and upward. So where are you now, as a rule, prevails over what awaits you on. Be careful, because sometimes you need to look around the sides. Your sense of humor and joie de vivre - your main highlight. However, do not be afraid to show someone that you can be serious.

The path number 5
You - skromnyaga friendly, which is not used to conceal the soul hatred and resentment. Experience shows that people who have chosen this path, do not like to bother with trifles: they see the world is much broader. You choose a picture, which shows a fall in all its glory. This transition season between hot summers and icy winters. Perhaps now you rest on something or are in anticipation of a great miracle, being, so to speak, in the intermediate state. The road to the goal can be quite tortuous, but not for nothing that people say: through the thorns - to the stars!

Footpath number 6
You - a thoughtful person who likes to be alone with him, or in a circle of very close. Responsiveness, compassion - your horse. You have chosen a path on which virtually invisible sun and light. Perhaps it says that you it's time to be alone with his thoughts. It is time to deal with their aspirations, goals, motives. Baby: light at the end of the tunnel very close!

We hope this simple test has shed light on some of the issues that have long plagued your soul. Psychologists say that the great task of this kind help the person to analyze their own behavior and to direct energy in the right direction. Passed the test itself - to share with others: people always want to know that they are destined.
via ofigenno ru
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