Why decorate mandalas at leisure
The word “mandala” is translated from Sanskrit as “circle, wheel”. The classical mandala is a circle that unites the four sides of the square (sides of light) inscribed in it.
The outer circle is the universe, the square is the abode of deities, the inner circle is often divided into segments and has the form of a lotus, which represents peace and peace of mind.
The historical origins of the mandala are associated with ancient Hindu rituals, where this symbol became the main way of organizing the sacred space, a kind of map of the universe, and then was borrowed by Buddhists.
In Buddhism, mandala is an essential element of spiritual practice. During meditation, the believer contemplates the symbol and merges with the image of the deity in the center, after which unity with the cosmic absolute comes.
In the West, the concept of mandala became known thanks to the famous psychologist Carl Jung, who considered it a good tool for internal transformation on the way to self-realization. He was convinced that our subconscious often prompts us to draw something like a mandala, or to see it in a dream.
In his autobiographical book, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Jung wrote, “Every morning I sketched in my notebook a small drawing of a circle, a mandala, which reflected my inner situation at that moment.”
“It was only gradually that I discovered that the mandala was really a self, a wholeness of personality, which is revealed when everything is harmonious.”
Psychology today makes extensive use of the ancient Buddhist Personal development techniques. So, stock up on colored pencils and get ready for an exciting journey into your inner world with the help of 10 mandalas.
Mandalas for coloring Choose a mandala. You can draw it yourself, or take ready-made from our article. As soon as you choose your own, sit down, relax and disconnect from external stimuli.
You can fill the mandala with a color from the edge inwards or start from the center, go clockwise or against it. There's no right way to do that. Any mandala is a great way for creativity and experimentation.
Mandalas bring to the surface of consciousness information from the depths of our inner world, helping to find and understand the causes of life difficulties. Hang hand-painted mandalas on the wall and there will come a time when they will help change your life for the better.

The outer circle is the universe, the square is the abode of deities, the inner circle is often divided into segments and has the form of a lotus, which represents peace and peace of mind.

The historical origins of the mandala are associated with ancient Hindu rituals, where this symbol became the main way of organizing the sacred space, a kind of map of the universe, and then was borrowed by Buddhists.

In Buddhism, mandala is an essential element of spiritual practice. During meditation, the believer contemplates the symbol and merges with the image of the deity in the center, after which unity with the cosmic absolute comes.

In the West, the concept of mandala became known thanks to the famous psychologist Carl Jung, who considered it a good tool for internal transformation on the way to self-realization. He was convinced that our subconscious often prompts us to draw something like a mandala, or to see it in a dream.

In his autobiographical book, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Jung wrote, “Every morning I sketched in my notebook a small drawing of a circle, a mandala, which reflected my inner situation at that moment.”

“It was only gradually that I discovered that the mandala was really a self, a wholeness of personality, which is revealed when everything is harmonious.”

Psychology today makes extensive use of the ancient Buddhist Personal development techniques. So, stock up on colored pencils and get ready for an exciting journey into your inner world with the help of 10 mandalas.
Mandalas for coloring Choose a mandala. You can draw it yourself, or take ready-made from our article. As soon as you choose your own, sit down, relax and disconnect from external stimuli.

You can fill the mandala with a color from the edge inwards or start from the center, go clockwise or against it. There's no right way to do that. Any mandala is a great way for creativity and experimentation.
- Breath of love
For many of us, the most important thing in this world is love. Deep down, even notorious cynics dream of finding “their man” or, if they already have one, never losing one.
Love is a source of inspiration and joy, and therefore it is very important to preserve it. This will help a special love-mandala. When working with drawing, you should think only about romance, relationships and pleasant things.
Visualizing the picture, imagine that when you breathe in, you receive, absorb love with each cell, and when you breathe out, you radiate, you give it to the world. After such exercises, the breath of love will surely overshadow your life and the desired meeting will not take long to wait. - How do I feel better?
Choose one color. And, without hesitation, paint them the parts of the mandala that you want. The most important thing in this exercise is to do as your inner voice tells you. Do not try to be beautiful, let everything happen spontaneously!
Meditate on the painted mandala for a few minutes. Write down the three words that first came to your mind. Reflect on the meaning of these words in relation to the question to which this mandala is intended to answer. - How do you find yourself?
Choose the pencil you like the most and walk it through the rays of the star as if you were wandering through a maze. Look at this colored thread.
Ask yourself, “What does this path remind me of?” Write down three words, phrases or sentences that come to mind to describe your journey. Think about them for a few minutes. - What energy state am I in today?
Let the flowers speak! Trust your intuition, paint this mandala any way you want. The chosen colors will help determine the state of your energy.
Note that an excess of warm colors dissipates energy, and cold colors paralyze it. And remember that the mandala reflects your state at the moment. It could be completely different tomorrow. - What are my three best traits?
Think about what three things make you happy. Write them down under the mandala. Choose three favorite colors so that each symbolizes one of these qualities, and color the mandala.
When the picture is finished, take a good look at it. Look at each color that embodies one of your favorite qualities individually. Try to figure out what qualities prevail and why. - Where to find peace within yourself?
Choose a color that symbolizes inner peace. Color all the central circles of complex figures, some of which are intertwined. Then take the other colors to fill the outer circles of these circles one by one.
When finished, look at the mandala for a while. Try to remember three times when you felt surprisingly calm. Write down those memories. - What prevents the free flow of my energy?
Color this mandala, moving from the center and asking yourself the question: “What prevents the smooth circulation of my energy?” After finishing painting the mandala, consider it for a few minutes.
And now look at what colors you used: cold (green, blue, purple) or warm (red, orange, yellow)? The first “closes” the energy channels, the second “opens” them. - How do you increase your energy?
Starting with the central “flower” of this mandala, meticulously color all the petals using three colors that you find most suitable. To color the background, choose a color that you think will complement and activate the first three colors.
Breathe slowly, look at your drawing for a few minutes, and write down three expressions that suddenly come to mind. We thought about them in a calm atmosphere. - How do you balance emotions?
Identify three negative emotions that are particularly bothering you (e.g., fear, anger, envy). Listed them under the mandala. Choose three colors that will symbolize them. Following your intuition, paint in these leaves colors.
Relax, close your eyes for a minute. Then look at your drawing. Describe under the mandala what you feel. - I activate and harmonize my energy.
Look at this mandala for a few minutes. Then start painting it from the central circle, choosing a pencil of your favorite color.
Then take seven pencils of all the colors of the rainbow. Listening only to your feelings, paint each of the human figures with one of these colors. This exercise activates and harmonizes energy.
Mandalas bring to the surface of consciousness information from the depths of our inner world, helping to find and understand the causes of life difficulties. Hang hand-painted mandalas on the wall and there will come a time when they will help change your life for the better.