Miracle in feathers! 18 incredible bird's nest, twisted in the most unexpected places.
Birds - amazing creatures! They are very picky and are able to adapt to almost any conditions. When the time comes to build a nest - birds here and show their ingenuity to the full. It would seem so small, but, look, how smart! However, sometimes, furnished their small home, the birds do not care about the safety of their offspring. Retinue nest on street lights or in an ashtray? Why no! Yes, these birds - these extremals.
This unusual 18 jacks, twisted in the most unexpected places. That's a miracle in feathers!
I wonder how they will depart from there, when they grow up ...
Photo: Daily Mail
Swallow's nest in an old lamp
Photo: Robert E Fuller
The nest in old shoes
Photo: Livesay Photography
Jack at the traffic light
Photo: Matrix World
Artificial duck - ideal for live birds nest!
Photo: Animal Salvation
The man left his car in the parking lot for 6 days. When he returned to his beloved, he saw a funny picture. B>
Photo: Reddit
Old Maker
Photo: Pixohub
Jack on the statue
Photo: Animal Salvation
uyutnenko hummingbird nest
Photo: Birdingthebrookeandbeyond
Outdoors definitely better!
Photo: Unknown
Duck Nest
Photo: Effective Wildlife Solutions
Do not use the ashtray!
Photo: The Telegraph
pigeon nests
Photo: Unknown
This is the fledglings chose a place!
Photo: The Telegraph
Little House on the street lamps
Photo: Daily Mail
pigeon nests in the basket
Photo: Unknown
Jack on the wreath
Photo: Animal Salvation
Cemeystvo tits look for a suitable place for the nest
Photo: The Telegraph
A creative approach to such animals normal case can only envy ... incredible ability to adapt to the environment! Show the most original ideas on arrangement of home to your friends.
via ofigenno ru
This unusual 18 jacks, twisted in the most unexpected places. That's a miracle in feathers!
I wonder how they will depart from there, when they grow up ...

Photo: Daily Mail
Swallow's nest in an old lamp

Photo: Robert E Fuller
The nest in old shoes

Photo: Livesay Photography
Jack at the traffic light

Photo: Matrix World
Artificial duck - ideal for live birds nest!

Photo: Animal Salvation
The man left his car in the parking lot for 6 days. When he returned to his beloved, he saw a funny picture. B>

Photo: Reddit
Old Maker

Photo: Pixohub
Jack on the statue

Photo: Animal Salvation
uyutnenko hummingbird nest

Photo: Birdingthebrookeandbeyond
Outdoors definitely better!

Photo: Unknown
Duck Nest

Photo: Effective Wildlife Solutions
Do not use the ashtray!

Photo: The Telegraph
pigeon nests

Photo: Unknown
This is the fledglings chose a place!

Photo: The Telegraph
Little House on the street lamps

Photo: Daily Mail
pigeon nests in the basket

Photo: Unknown
Jack on the wreath

Photo: Animal Salvation
Cemeystvo tits look for a suitable place for the nest

Photo: The Telegraph
A creative approach to such animals normal case can only envy ... incredible ability to adapt to the environment! Show the most original ideas on arrangement of home to your friends.
via ofigenno ru
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