Fountain Painting
American Jamie Homeyster (Jamie Homeister) draws amazing pictures on bird feathers, thus recreating the culture of ethnic peoples of the present territory of the United States and Canada.
Using feathers as a canvas Homeyster Jamie (Jamie Homeister) depicts mostly animals and birds. Although, most of all, it is a bird, finches, parrots, owls, eagles and other birds. Some birds even depicted on their own feathers. According to the artist, painted feathers fell as would come back closer to nature: "Drawings on the feathers - a very laborious and complicated way of implementing talent. The feathers are glued under the weight of paint peeling off and lose their shape. However, the better to observe the result of his work ».
Using feathers as a canvas Homeyster Jamie (Jamie Homeister) depicts mostly animals and birds. Although, most of all, it is a bird, finches, parrots, owls, eagles and other birds. Some birds even depicted on their own feathers. According to the artist, painted feathers fell as would come back closer to nature: "Drawings on the feathers - a very laborious and complicated way of implementing talent. The feathers are glued under the weight of paint peeling off and lose their shape. However, the better to observe the result of his work ».