Swiss students have invented a unique wheelchair. About this previously only dreamed of ...
Sometimes people do not realize that their ideas were invented for the sake of entertainment, can bring enormous benefits to mankind. One needs only to think out a little bit, just a little scroll thought in mind and the result will not take long. It is about a story we want to tell you today. Ten Swiss students put into practice the concept that can greatly facilitate the lives of people with special needs. In our cities is still quite common staircase, which are not adapted for people in wheelchairs, but the mobile tool that invented these guys are able to climb stairs independently. Now a lot of people on our planet will be a little easier to live ...
It all began with the fact that a student by the name of Benny Winther wanted to create a harmless robot that could climb stairs independently. But soon his project was a broader and more socially beneficial mission. Assembled a team of 10 people, Beni able to create a wheelchair for people with disabilities.
Now the guys have made a huge step in the development of this project. Now their creation can overcome not only conventional, but also spiral staircases. Yes, this stroller and looks very cool!
Thus, a simple idea with proper approach can be very useful invention. So, doing things you love, you can change the lives of many people. Tell me about your friends this invention, it will be interesting to learn about this useful device.
via ofigenno ru

It all began with the fact that a student by the name of Benny Winther wanted to create a harmless robot that could climb stairs independently. But soon his project was a broader and more socially beneficial mission. Assembled a team of 10 people, Beni able to create a wheelchair for people with disabilities.

Now the guys have made a huge step in the development of this project. Now their creation can overcome not only conventional, but also spiral staircases. Yes, this stroller and looks very cool!

Thus, a simple idea with proper approach can be very useful invention. So, doing things you love, you can change the lives of many people. Tell me about your friends this invention, it will be interesting to learn about this useful device.
via ofigenno ru
He wanted to take away all the money in the world. But the female mind has won the men's greed ...
This guy has turned into a brand new van rusty junk. Now you can not worry about the robbers!