Yes, he is a master of aphorisms! 20 abstruse phrases from Dmitry Nagiyev.
The famous actor and showman Dmitry Nagiyev is renowned for its brutality and a macho way. His brilliant mind, an incredible charisma and a particular sense of humor on the verge of decency turn any action with his participation in a real spectacle. Secret scenic image Dmitry Nagiyev is that he does not play a role. He really is what it is. Dmitry Nagiyev recognized: «The image is not supported by a real person, would have crumbled to pieces in fifteen minutes. When he was a child, I figured out that I - a real man. And all my life I try to drag it » i>.
Many actions seem much more moral, if we look at them through the fingers that hold the money.
In love life can push a man to any deeds, but they are meaningless if the door is locked women.
It is said that sincere repentance can replace a good deed.
Sometimes the best way to escape the set nets - is to pretend that you got in them.
To be honest, I have two idols - on different occasions. When I go to the gym, my idol - Tarzan, and when I eat after six in the evening - Sasha Cekalo.
If I threw out of the window every time I have something not work, I would have spent all his life in flight ...
We are often faced with lack of understanding of others. But do not think that these people are against us, most likely, they are just for himself. B>
If you gossip - it is an occasion to leave, then leave. If the feelings are stronger, do not do it.
When I see a man with the tape, I feel terrible ...
In the world there are inexhaustible resources of human stupidity.
In friendship, as in love, people are happy because they do not know the truth about a loved one.
It is said that the duration of marriage is inversely proportional to the costs of the wedding.
If a person sees in all enmity, that is only one way to make it a little friendlier - love him.
In the life of every man must be two people - a friend and a beloved woman, and I do not understand how it can be combined in one person. But if I do not understand it, it does not mean that it can not be.
Times of Romeo and Juliet is long gone, and the parents are still trying to solve the privacy of their children.
As you can see, Dmitry Nagiyev is multifaceted talent. He is not only a great actor and showman, but also a good philosopher. And it quotes will occupy a worthy place among the aphorisms of great men of our world. If you liking statements Dmitry Nagiyev, then Share this post with your friends.
via ofigenno ru
Many actions seem much more moral, if we look at them through the fingers that hold the money.
In love life can push a man to any deeds, but they are meaningless if the door is locked women.
It is said that sincere repentance can replace a good deed.
Sometimes the best way to escape the set nets - is to pretend that you got in them.
To be honest, I have two idols - on different occasions. When I go to the gym, my idol - Tarzan, and when I eat after six in the evening - Sasha Cekalo.
If I threw out of the window every time I have something not work, I would have spent all his life in flight ...
We are often faced with lack of understanding of others. But do not think that these people are against us, most likely, they are just for himself. B>
If you gossip - it is an occasion to leave, then leave. If the feelings are stronger, do not do it.
When I see a man with the tape, I feel terrible ...
In the world there are inexhaustible resources of human stupidity.
In friendship, as in love, people are happy because they do not know the truth about a loved one.
It is said that the duration of marriage is inversely proportional to the costs of the wedding.
If a person sees in all enmity, that is only one way to make it a little friendlier - love him.
In the life of every man must be two people - a friend and a beloved woman, and I do not understand how it can be combined in one person. But if I do not understand it, it does not mean that it can not be.
Times of Romeo and Juliet is long gone, and the parents are still trying to solve the privacy of their children.
As you can see, Dmitry Nagiyev is multifaceted talent. He is not only a great actor and showman, but also a good philosopher. And it quotes will occupy a worthy place among the aphorisms of great men of our world. If you liking statements Dmitry Nagiyev, then Share this post with your friends.
via ofigenno ru
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