People rescued whale entangled in ... Thanks animal they will never forget!
Just over four years ago, someone Gershwin Colombes (one of the founders of the society for the protection of whales) and his family sailed on a yacht in the Gulf of California. The family ran into a young humpback whale that became entangled in the networks of some would-be fishermen. The animal was very difficult to breathe. It is so diminished that at first everyone thought about the worst ... But later spotted the whale moved and made a heavy breath. Gershwin decided that the need to free the whale. First he swam up to him, but could only get rid of the grid a little bit on the caudal fin. Colombo and his family have fought for over an hour with the networks that are highly entangled mammal. When people finally released him, their joy knew no bounds. And goodbye to the sea giant gave them a real show ...
Who knows, maybe a whale just rejoiced that he is free, and can he really thanked people for liberation. In any case, the story emanates from some kindness and hope for the best. Share this video clip with your friends, let them rejoice too majestic animal rescue.
Who knows, maybe a whale just rejoiced that he is free, and can he really thanked people for liberation. In any case, the story emanates from some kindness and hope for the best. Share this video clip with your friends, let them rejoice too majestic animal rescue.
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The granddaughter was about to say goodbye to life until you came to my grandmother ...