In the park you can hug the Norwegian wolf
One of the parks in Norway offers an amazing "attraction" - visitors can pet, feed and even cuddle with wolves. Severe gray predators kindly waving tails, and wander among the friendly people. If desired, a terrible fanged animal can even be photographed against the backdrop of the Northern Lights.
The Polar Park (Polar Park) there are three wolves. Alfa couple Nanoq and Hyde - is untamed wolves. They were born in captivity, but remain extremely careful in relation to man. They can be seen only during tours with guides during the feeding of animals. In most of the time they are hiding away from the bustle.
In 2008, there were wolves in the park - Steinulv, Moon and Ilva, and this little flock of more socialized with people. Next litter of alpha couples - Silm and Ilia - also friendly to people, besides, they spend a lot of time with local bears (they are called Salt and Pepper).
In the wild Norwegian wolves are very dangerous: an annual average of a pack of wolves killing about a hundred moose for food, and the person on the order of magnitude smaller and defenseless 500-pound cloven-hoofed. More surprising the park, where such formidable predators do not attack, but rather to play with people.

The Polar Park (Polar Park) there are three wolves. Alfa couple Nanoq and Hyde - is untamed wolves. They were born in captivity, but remain extremely careful in relation to man. They can be seen only during tours with guides during the feeding of animals. In most of the time they are hiding away from the bustle.

In 2008, there were wolves in the park - Steinulv, Moon and Ilva, and this little flock of more socialized with people. Next litter of alpha couples - Silm and Ilia - also friendly to people, besides, they spend a lot of time with local bears (they are called Salt and Pepper).

In the wild Norwegian wolves are very dangerous: an annual average of a pack of wolves killing about a hundred moose for food, and the person on the order of magnitude smaller and defenseless 500-pound cloven-hoofed. More surprising the park, where such formidable predators do not attack, but rather to play with people.