NASA released photos of the Martian surface with traces of water flows

Valles Marineris, where he had traces of water flows i>
The fact that in the past Mars, liquid water existed, and in large quantities - is far from being a secret. And proved that Mars has water ice. Another confirmation that the water on Mars may exist in liquid form, and now can be considered a recently published photo. She was received HiRISE instrument spacecraft Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter July 21, 2015.
In the picture is seen a particular region Valles Marineris on Mars with some longitudinal structure (size got in the photo section of the "Red Planet" is 536 meters). These longitudinal structures likely traces left by seasonal water flows on steep slopes. According to geologists, the characteristics of the traces match those leaving small stream of salt water.

When you click the image to open in full size (Photo: NASA) i>
There are those structures in the warm Martian year, and disappear into the cold, mainly in the northern hemisphere. Traces originate with a relatively light rock, and flow through the sand, where it formed a kind of direct channels. Valles Marineris show the maximum number of such structures - anywhere on Mars there is no such a number.
The fact that the possible presence of liquid water on Mars is now very important for the future colonists. After all, people need something to drink, and to not take the Earth's water as long as necessary for the existence of the Earth colony on Mars for many years. And while in the high latitudes of the Red Planet discovered deposits of water ice, survival in the cold for the colonists - it is a problem. Therefore, the biggest advantage is the existence of water in the equatorial regions of Mars. However, you must still study the composition of the water, before people will fly to Mars.
NASA laid out not only this image, but many others - can be found here .
Earlier, scientists at Copenhagen University have suggested the possibility of the existence of huge glaciers on Mars. This assumption was made after analyzing images Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Scientists have conducted long-term observation of the surface of Mars, capturing all education, similar in some characteristics from the glaciers of the Earth.

According to experts, the majority of glaciers on Mars is located at mid-latitudes (about 30-50 degrees) in both hemispheres of the planet. Researchers estimate and approximate amount of ice: in their view, Mars is about 150 billion cubic meters of ice. Evaporation ice, apparently protects dust.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/260354/
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