A team of scientists from the United States and Europe hold a year in isolation to study the characteristics of life on Mars

Piedmont Sharp (Photo: HANDOUT EPA / NASA JPL CALTECH MSSS) i>
After the arrival of colonists to Mars live in isolation from their usual world. No theaters, no cafes, no possibility of barbecue or go to the sea. The same face, the same scenery. If something goes wrong, no one will help the colonists, except themselves. In order to study the characteristics of life on Mars, Earth scientists conducted a series of experiments , covering a group of volunteers in modules that are a model of station Mars.
At the same time that volunteers spend in "Martian" modules, all increased. So, now a joint team of scientists from the US and Europe should be held in isolation for a year to simulate a flight to Mars. In total, six volunteers, and they will live on the slopes of a dormant volcano Mauna Loa in Hawaii. The landscape of this region remotely resembles what the colonists will be able to see on Mars.
At the moment, this is the fourth "expedition". The first two teams met in a closed space of about four months, the third team lived in isolation from the outside world for eight months, and now it was the turn of a new "generation" of the colonists, who spend 12 months here. According to the authors of the project, the longer people are in isolation to Mars, the better the exhibit features a life. Here we have in mind, and psychological problems, and medical problems, and more. Among other things, the participants 'Mars mission' will carry out scientific research, and the program of research is quite extensive. Follow "marsonavtami" scientists will be in camera.
Volunteers who participate in the expedition, were selected from people who have decided to participate in the respective competition. The selection was carried out by a special commission, which studied a large number of applications received from around the world. The team is now soil scientist, physicist, engineer, biologist, physician and architect.
Currently the longest experiment of this kind is the "Mars-500", a project implemented in Russia in 2010-2011. Then, six volunteers were isolated for 520 days - as many would take the flight to Mars and back.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/260360/
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