Nazi Enigma cipher machine sold at auction

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Perhaps, many have heard of the Nazi Enigma cipher machine, and Alan Turing , the man who managed to «взломать» this car. This contribution Turing not limited to this achievement - it has had a significant impact on the entire course of development of science. About Turing already written , and more than once about it, even made a film, so in this post we will focus on the machine itself Enigma .
So, it turns out, the world survived several instances encryption setting Nazis. Despite the complete secrecy of the project and the relatively small number of devices, some specimens were unharmed. The fact that the Nazis until the last moment (perhaps until the end of World War II) were not aware of the fact that Enigma is no longer a puzzle for the Allies. And after all it turned out, there was no reason to destroy the machines because their smallest details were known opponents of the Nazis. In general, now one such car will be sold at auction.

This particular unit was established in 1943 and until recently belonged to one of the European museums. The reason for the sale is not reported, but the car went to London for sale at auction Sotheby's. The initial cost of the device is $ 110 thousand, but already there as it will - perhaps for Enigma paid and much more.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/253360/