The most expensive documents
Today we offer you a look at a selection of the most expensive instruments, which have been sold to the world of trading in the XXI century.
The letter of the Empress Catherine II. Price: £ 43,250 ($ 69,200)
In November 2012 at Christie's auction in London, the hammer was put truly royal exhibition: certificate signed by itself Catherine II. The document is dated January 30, 1774, and in addition to the signature of the sovereign, it flaunts the signature of the vice-chancellor of Prince Golitsyn. This diploma is a typical document of its time: it is the deed of gift of land in the newly attached to the Little Baranovsky Stepan. Baranovsky Catherine II gave two villages in Rivne region with 74 yards and a few hundred serfs. The letter is richly decorated with gold ornaments and a true work of art. The total amount of sales exceeded the maximum estimated more than three times.
Magna Carta, or the Magna Carta. Price: $ 21,321,000
Perhaps, in the history of the UK there is no more important document than the Magna Carta - Magna Carta, signed by King John of England in 1215 landless. In it it was enshrined the principles of the rule of law, and guarantees of personal rights of the people who are in the United Kingdom today. Unfortunately, the original Magna Carta was not preserved - have survived only its copy. One of them, established in 1297, and was put under the hammer at Sotheby's in New York in December 2007, setting a maximum price on these items in the XXI century, which is not surprising, given its historical value and influence not only in English but also in the world history.
"Emancipation Proclamation" signed by US President Abraham Lincoln. Price: $ 3,778,500
"Emancipation Proclamation" from September 22, 1862 was both a key American documents in the XIX century and a turning point in US history. From the first edition with printed proclamation to have survived only 25 copies, of which 19 are kept in museums. Therefore, when in December 2010 at the auction of the auction house Sotheby's in New York was exhibited one of the six proclamations are in private collections, it became clear that for her the real fight will unfold. The document was signed personally by President Abraham Lincoln, in addition, he has long belonged to the senator and US Attorney General Robert Kennedy. Therefore the final price exceeded the maximum estimated more than 2, 5 times.
Memorandum of Apple, signed by the founders. Price: $ 1,594,500
April 1, 1976 is a sacred date for all the "Yabloko" in the world. That same day, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne signed a memorandum of association, which initiated from Apple. But on April 12 the same year, Wayne gave up his share $ 2300 in the newly created company. As history has shown, it was the most stupid decision from all possible in the life of Ronald Wayne. Ronald received his copy of the memorandum of association with the inclusion of the item on the refusal of the shares. This document is kept in his 35 years, when Wayne decided to sell it. The agreement was put under the hammer at the December auction at Sotheby's in New York and went for an amount more than 10 times higher than the maximum estimated.
The contract for the sale of baseball player Babe Ruth. Price: $ 996,000
Baseball Americans for more than a game, it is a religion with its mythology and its heroes. Same baseball cards - one of the most popular objects for collectors in the United States. Prices are sometimes reach several hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. And for authentic "relic" associated with idols, often turns serious struggle. One of them - Babe Ruth, entered in the Baseball Hall of Fame and recognized athlete of the century according to the "Associated Press". On the motives of his biography has even been made into a film. The original contract for the sale of his team "New York Yankees" was sold at New York's Sotheby's auction in June 2005, almost a million dollars, setting a record price for historic sports contracts in the XXI century.
Balfour Declaration of 1917. Price: $ 884,000
The Balfour Declaration is considered the first step, the first document in the way of the establishment of Israel. November 2nd, 1917, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild sent a formal letter with the request to transfer his Zionist Federation of Great Britain. It spoke of the possibility of establishing a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. In June 2005, at Sotheby's in New York for sale were displayed materials from the archive of one of the leaders of the Zionist movement, Sir Leon Simon. Among the valuable historical documents appeared and two of the original draft of the Balfour Declaration.
Texas Declaration of Independence. Price: $ 764,000
March 2, 1836 was signed the Texas Declaration of Independence. The Republic was officially recognized at the international level and lasted until 1845, when it was annexed by the United States and got the right staff. Texans are proud of their history and the fact that once they have had their own state. Have survived only 12 copies of the Texas Declaration of Independence, nine of which are kept in museums. One of the three copies of which are in private collections, was put up for sale at New York's Sotheby's auction in June 2004. But the maximum estimated price of $ 800,000 to overcome the document and could not.
The marriage contract in 1718. Price: $ 102,000
After the expulsion of the Jews from the Iberian peninsula, many of their families have settled in Italy, primarily in the cities of Pisa and Livorno. Dukes Medici is quite favorable to the Jews: they were allowed to do business freely and openly practice their religion. A kind of written monuments of the Jewish community in Northern Italy are the ketubah, or marriage contracts. Elegantly decorated, they are real works of art. Having them in its collection - the goal of many collectors. In December 2006, at Sotheby's in New York for a record sum was put under the hammer is one of the ketubah. This marriage contract was signed in 1718 in Livorno between the rich Jewish families Vicino and Cordovero.
Decrees of King George III of England about restoring order in the American colonies. Price: $ 99,500
May 6, 1776 King George III of England wrote "orders and instructions" Admiral Richard Howe and Major General William Howe, so that they went to the North American colonies and tried to put things in their order in a peaceful manner. Brothers Howe and sympathized with the colonists were perfect truce, but their mission was a failure, and they have had to use their military skills to pacify New England. It is obvious that some historical value such orders. In March 2002, they were put up for sale at New York's Christie's auction and sold for a record price, which partly explains the perfect preservation of these unique documents.
The contract for the expedition to the shores of Canada in 1622. Price: $ 84,000
The colonization of the New World was a pretty risky, but highly profitable commercial enterprise, enriched by many adventurers and their sponsors. By the shores of the newly discovered continents were filled with costly expedition, each country wanted to grab their piece of the pie. And a Canadian expedition in 1622 was no exception. To finance it himself, William Alexander, Earl of Stirling, who is considered the founder of the Scottish colonization of North America. Signature him and John Mason can be seen at the bottom of the contract to make the expedition in 1622. The paper was sold in June 2007 at Sotheby's in New York, only $ 6,000 less than the maximum appraised value.
Source: banallex.livejournal.com
The letter of the Empress Catherine II. Price: £ 43,250 ($ 69,200)

In November 2012 at Christie's auction in London, the hammer was put truly royal exhibition: certificate signed by itself Catherine II. The document is dated January 30, 1774, and in addition to the signature of the sovereign, it flaunts the signature of the vice-chancellor of Prince Golitsyn. This diploma is a typical document of its time: it is the deed of gift of land in the newly attached to the Little Baranovsky Stepan. Baranovsky Catherine II gave two villages in Rivne region with 74 yards and a few hundred serfs. The letter is richly decorated with gold ornaments and a true work of art. The total amount of sales exceeded the maximum estimated more than three times.
Magna Carta, or the Magna Carta. Price: $ 21,321,000

Perhaps, in the history of the UK there is no more important document than the Magna Carta - Magna Carta, signed by King John of England in 1215 landless. In it it was enshrined the principles of the rule of law, and guarantees of personal rights of the people who are in the United Kingdom today. Unfortunately, the original Magna Carta was not preserved - have survived only its copy. One of them, established in 1297, and was put under the hammer at Sotheby's in New York in December 2007, setting a maximum price on these items in the XXI century, which is not surprising, given its historical value and influence not only in English but also in the world history.
"Emancipation Proclamation" signed by US President Abraham Lincoln. Price: $ 3,778,500

"Emancipation Proclamation" from September 22, 1862 was both a key American documents in the XIX century and a turning point in US history. From the first edition with printed proclamation to have survived only 25 copies, of which 19 are kept in museums. Therefore, when in December 2010 at the auction of the auction house Sotheby's in New York was exhibited one of the six proclamations are in private collections, it became clear that for her the real fight will unfold. The document was signed personally by President Abraham Lincoln, in addition, he has long belonged to the senator and US Attorney General Robert Kennedy. Therefore the final price exceeded the maximum estimated more than 2, 5 times.
Memorandum of Apple, signed by the founders. Price: $ 1,594,500

April 1, 1976 is a sacred date for all the "Yabloko" in the world. That same day, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne signed a memorandum of association, which initiated from Apple. But on April 12 the same year, Wayne gave up his share $ 2300 in the newly created company. As history has shown, it was the most stupid decision from all possible in the life of Ronald Wayne. Ronald received his copy of the memorandum of association with the inclusion of the item on the refusal of the shares. This document is kept in his 35 years, when Wayne decided to sell it. The agreement was put under the hammer at the December auction at Sotheby's in New York and went for an amount more than 10 times higher than the maximum estimated.
The contract for the sale of baseball player Babe Ruth. Price: $ 996,000

Baseball Americans for more than a game, it is a religion with its mythology and its heroes. Same baseball cards - one of the most popular objects for collectors in the United States. Prices are sometimes reach several hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. And for authentic "relic" associated with idols, often turns serious struggle. One of them - Babe Ruth, entered in the Baseball Hall of Fame and recognized athlete of the century according to the "Associated Press". On the motives of his biography has even been made into a film. The original contract for the sale of his team "New York Yankees" was sold at New York's Sotheby's auction in June 2005, almost a million dollars, setting a record price for historic sports contracts in the XXI century.
Balfour Declaration of 1917. Price: $ 884,000

The Balfour Declaration is considered the first step, the first document in the way of the establishment of Israel. November 2nd, 1917, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild sent a formal letter with the request to transfer his Zionist Federation of Great Britain. It spoke of the possibility of establishing a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. In June 2005, at Sotheby's in New York for sale were displayed materials from the archive of one of the leaders of the Zionist movement, Sir Leon Simon. Among the valuable historical documents appeared and two of the original draft of the Balfour Declaration.
Texas Declaration of Independence. Price: $ 764,000

March 2, 1836 was signed the Texas Declaration of Independence. The Republic was officially recognized at the international level and lasted until 1845, when it was annexed by the United States and got the right staff. Texans are proud of their history and the fact that once they have had their own state. Have survived only 12 copies of the Texas Declaration of Independence, nine of which are kept in museums. One of the three copies of which are in private collections, was put up for sale at New York's Sotheby's auction in June 2004. But the maximum estimated price of $ 800,000 to overcome the document and could not.
The marriage contract in 1718. Price: $ 102,000

After the expulsion of the Jews from the Iberian peninsula, many of their families have settled in Italy, primarily in the cities of Pisa and Livorno. Dukes Medici is quite favorable to the Jews: they were allowed to do business freely and openly practice their religion. A kind of written monuments of the Jewish community in Northern Italy are the ketubah, or marriage contracts. Elegantly decorated, they are real works of art. Having them in its collection - the goal of many collectors. In December 2006, at Sotheby's in New York for a record sum was put under the hammer is one of the ketubah. This marriage contract was signed in 1718 in Livorno between the rich Jewish families Vicino and Cordovero.
Decrees of King George III of England about restoring order in the American colonies. Price: $ 99,500

May 6, 1776 King George III of England wrote "orders and instructions" Admiral Richard Howe and Major General William Howe, so that they went to the North American colonies and tried to put things in their order in a peaceful manner. Brothers Howe and sympathized with the colonists were perfect truce, but their mission was a failure, and they have had to use their military skills to pacify New England. It is obvious that some historical value such orders. In March 2002, they were put up for sale at New York's Christie's auction and sold for a record price, which partly explains the perfect preservation of these unique documents.
The contract for the expedition to the shores of Canada in 1622. Price: $ 84,000

The colonization of the New World was a pretty risky, but highly profitable commercial enterprise, enriched by many adventurers and their sponsors. By the shores of the newly discovered continents were filled with costly expedition, each country wanted to grab their piece of the pie. And a Canadian expedition in 1622 was no exception. To finance it himself, William Alexander, Earl of Stirling, who is considered the founder of the Scottish colonization of North America. Signature him and John Mason can be seen at the bottom of the contract to make the expedition in 1622. The paper was sold in June 2007 at Sotheby's in New York, only $ 6,000 less than the maximum appraised value.
Source: banallex.livejournal.com