Discovered a unique system of five stars

Schematic representation of an unusual system i>
Astronomers working on the project SuperWASP (search for planets in the broad sector, Wide Angle Search for Planets), discovered a unique system in its structure . Two double stars orbit a center of mass, and one of binary systems has another companion, which rotates around its center. This cosmic dance takes place in the constellation Ursa Major. The report on this was presented at a meeting of astronomers in the UK Llandudno.
The system is located 250 light-years away. The figure schematically shows the structure of the system. In the center the entire system. It is quite large, more than the orbit of our Pluto: its diameter is 21 billion. Km.
Above shows one of the binary system, which is a тесную dual system . In this system, the distance between the stars is comparable to the size of the stars themselves, so they are in contact with their outer layers. In such systems, there are more complex effects than just an attraction: the tidal distortion, warm rays brighter companion and so on. D. The ongoing exchange of material between them leads to the fact that the components of close binary systems do not evolve as usual stars. < br />

close binary systems in the representation of the artist's i>
Below is shown a second pair of stars, which are located at a distance of 3 million. Km. from each other. The whole system revolves in one plane - it follows that all the stars have come from a disc of gas and dust.
"It's really very exotic system. In principle, there is no reason to have both binary systems was not of their own planets. View the sky from the inhabitants of these planets would be shamed, and the creators of "Star Wars," - said one of the participants of the project, Dr. Markus Lohr. - At some point in the sky of a planet can even shine suns five different brightness. " According to Dr. Laura Telescope "Kepler", engaged in the search for extrasolar planets already found previously star system consisting of five stars. In addition, the "Kepler" has found an exoplanet at system of four stars .
SuperWASP telescope consists of two robotic observatories. One is located in the Canary Islands, the other - in South Africa. Each observatory has 8 lenses with a sufficiently large field of view, allowing you to cover a large part of the sky. The telescope takes pictures every minute and gives 100 GB of data per night. In one night, the observatory determined brightness of about 100,000 stars in the area of 450 square degrees. Using the transit method (tracking the passage of the planet across the disk of the star), a team of astronomers has discovered 40 extrasolar planets. Currently SuperWASP - the most successful land-based transit surveys.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/253204/
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