Apple has patented the design of «Watch»

Two hours Apple Watch images from патентной Documents . i>
Apple has this time has patented a design of a square with rounded edges.
The original patent application was filed with the Agency US Department of Commerce Patent and Trademark (USPTO) in August of last year, a month after the release of Apple Watch. In addition to sketches and drawings, the patent includes a large amount of literature and the "smart watches" competitors such as Samsung Galaxy Gear, Metawatch, and Pebble. Do not spared and more luxurious models such as watches Hermes Carre H for $ 15,000, which is strikingly similar to Apple Watch their rounded forms.

Watch Apple Watch. I>

suspiciously rectangular with rounded edges and the clock «Hermes». I>
All of this documentation has been applied in order to prove that the design of a rectangle with rounded corners of Apple's distinctive enough to be subject to copyright protection. Granted patent is valid only in the United States and in countries with less strict legislation in terms of copyright compliance, protect your rectangle copy Apple will not be easy.
Via The Verge.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/250024/
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