VKontakte today launch a rival YouTube

Project page video hosting i>
In late March, learned , that the social network VKontakte intends to open its own full-fledged video hosting. And here at the presentation during the conference RIF + KIB 2015 Head of customer service VKontakte Alexander Kruglov officially announced a > that no later than April 24 the social network will launch this project.
"We are very much to know about the user; know what he is looking video, watching the videos and download his friends. We know what he's interested in principle, - said Kruglov. - On the basis of this knowledge VKontakte launch a platform on which to advisory model will be tightened video ».
Monetization service will continue to happen with the built-in commercials advertising. In section is selected according to user preferences "recommended" rollers let advertisers with their video VKontakte no plans.

The key sources of advertising i>
Kruglov announced that a new video section will compete with the TV when the user selects what it is interesting to see now, rather than what is shown on TV. Although it is clear that compete VC will mainly be from YouTube, where the process of monetization, too, is built on embedding videos in advertising. The social network has promised to incorporate no more than 3-4 commercials in the video length is about 25 minutes.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249468/