General impressions of the 2015 NAB Show in Las Vegas
Good day.
About a month ago, talked with one of the potential partners on Skype and he suggested we meet at the NAB Show in Las Vegas. Like, for sure there will be, can cross the? The same question asked a little earlier another client - wanted to meet and discuss their new project. About this exhibition we had heard, some of our members there even was exposed, but there was no reason to go. And then, there was a reason.
NAB - is the American National Association of Broadcasters, which unites us in one way or another connected with the media broadcasting. Once a year it organizes trade show, ie exhibition of achievements of science and technology in their field. The purpose of the event - to bring in the one place everyone who offers products for creating and delivering media content and those to whom they will be of interest. It is the largest exhibition of similar subjects in the world.
Note below - personal impressions of the event, the opinion of who it will be interesting to visit, and a few photos from the field.
So, we realized that it is worth a try, and figured the budget. Since I already had a US business visa, then had to buy tickets and accommodation splice. Arranging everything thrown cry among customers and partners:'re in Vegas - write, call, meet. Responded to surprise a lot of people, the current and potential customers decided that is worth seeing in person, just such an occasion is. A good sign, we thought.
The affairs and concerns came time to fly. A couple of days in airports and airplanes - and I'm on the spot.
Carried out all the action in the Las Vegas Convention Center - the venue, host a variety of events.
On the first day of the exhibition and visitor badges received a brochure with a map of the area. She also gave detailed plans for all pavilions with a list of participants and their location. In the photo below - the general layout of the area.
That was understandable scale length of the central hall - a mile and a width of more than two hundred meters. Each hall is divided into sites of various sizes, each with its own number, between which passages are provided - so that people are not crowded. On the assigned area of the participant who has bought a place can do anything - to erect any structure to suspend all the ceiling, put benches, chairs with tables, a separate cover book - softer, potvёrzhe, single color - or even isolate meeting rooms for communication with respectable people .
Were involved in all four existing main exhibition area plus nearby hotels as support - to organize accommodation, convenience suites for meetings with partners and clients, meetings in the format of networking, etc. According to preliminary estimates, this year the exhibition was attended by about 100 000 people. So for the most popular destinations were sometimes very lively.
A few photos along the little text transfer described. Shot cup of coffee, and even at non-uniform illumination, so that the appropriate quality.
The general impression - lot
The exhibition companies representing all stages of creating media content:
- Filming equipment: cranes, platforms, SPETSAVTO, satellite dishes;
- Equipment for studios;
- Cameras and lenses;
- Software for video processing, assembly studio;
- Encoders - soft karaoke and railways;
- Software for video delivery;
- Software and hardware for terrestrial and internet radio stations;
- Companies that are shooting and post-production;
- Infrastructure companies such as Microsoft and Amazon.
Focus is constantly changing, and if in the early years of the exhibition took half the studio producing content, but now the focus has shifted to the means of delivery and monetization.
Organized everything perfectly - navigation, information technology - everything is simple, clear and user-friendly. Participants are arranged by category of business, much like I listed above.
Of the minuses have to mention bad internet. In the exhibition halls it was just for the money, in the halls - or free bad, or average, and also for the money. Though of course, having 100K people in a confined space, it is difficult to expect a good connection.
In the course of the exhibition held a number of very useful meetings and I saw a lot of amusing. For myself, deduced that a person living outside the United States, it is necessary to consider a hike at NAB for the following purposes:
1. Meeting with clients, partners and interested lay people, especially if they live in the US or Canada. Offering a meeting at NAB, you can most likely expect that your partner will be there too. Personal communication, nothing can replace - people want understood with whom they deal, eyes to see, to understand whether these are adequate to people from distant Russia - in general, can and must make the right impression when meeting it.
2. Familiarization with the right set of technologies. Let's say you're interested in hardware and software for the filming of programs for your Internet TV. Or are you interested in multicopter and want to see them in action, to feel alive. In the case of understanding of their area of interest can be found with the right technology for quite a finite time.
3. Or another option - is it that you came to Vegas and you have a little time during the day before had a ball in the evening :)
In my case it worked the first option. And it is believed that in the next year need to go again.
Finally - a few photos on the hottest topic of this exhibition - multicopter, or drones, as they call them. They were literally everywhere. From a dedicated pavilion in one of the buildings before scattered in different places stands.
Gallery of Vegas will not be - running around the exhibition does not leave time for hiking in the casino.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249314/
About a month ago, talked with one of the potential partners on Skype and he suggested we meet at the NAB Show in Las Vegas. Like, for sure there will be, can cross the? The same question asked a little earlier another client - wanted to meet and discuss their new project. About this exhibition we had heard, some of our members there even was exposed, but there was no reason to go. And then, there was a reason.
NAB - is the American National Association of Broadcasters, which unites us in one way or another connected with the media broadcasting. Once a year it organizes trade show, ie exhibition of achievements of science and technology in their field. The purpose of the event - to bring in the one place everyone who offers products for creating and delivering media content and those to whom they will be of interest. It is the largest exhibition of similar subjects in the world.

Note below - personal impressions of the event, the opinion of who it will be interesting to visit, and a few photos from the field.
So, we realized that it is worth a try, and figured the budget. Since I already had a US business visa, then had to buy tickets and accommodation splice. Arranging everything thrown cry among customers and partners:'re in Vegas - write, call, meet. Responded to surprise a lot of people, the current and potential customers decided that is worth seeing in person, just such an occasion is. A good sign, we thought.
The affairs and concerns came time to fly. A couple of days in airports and airplanes - and I'm on the spot.
Carried out all the action in the Las Vegas Convention Center - the venue, host a variety of events.
On the first day of the exhibition and visitor badges received a brochure with a map of the area. She also gave detailed plans for all pavilions with a list of participants and their location. In the photo below - the general layout of the area.

That was understandable scale length of the central hall - a mile and a width of more than two hundred meters. Each hall is divided into sites of various sizes, each with its own number, between which passages are provided - so that people are not crowded. On the assigned area of the participant who has bought a place can do anything - to erect any structure to suspend all the ceiling, put benches, chairs with tables, a separate cover book - softer, potvёrzhe, single color - or even isolate meeting rooms for communication with respectable people .
Were involved in all four existing main exhibition area plus nearby hotels as support - to organize accommodation, convenience suites for meetings with partners and clients, meetings in the format of networking, etc. According to preliminary estimates, this year the exhibition was attended by about 100 000 people. So for the most popular destinations were sometimes very lively.
A few photos along the little text transfer described. Shot cup of coffee, and even at non-uniform illumination, so that the appropriate quality.

The general impression - lot
The exhibition companies representing all stages of creating media content:
- Filming equipment: cranes, platforms, SPETSAVTO, satellite dishes;
- Equipment for studios;
- Cameras and lenses;
- Software for video processing, assembly studio;
- Encoders - soft karaoke and railways;
- Software for video delivery;
- Software and hardware for terrestrial and internet radio stations;
- Companies that are shooting and post-production;
- Infrastructure companies such as Microsoft and Amazon.
Focus is constantly changing, and if in the early years of the exhibition took half the studio producing content, but now the focus has shifted to the means of delivery and monetization.

Organized everything perfectly - navigation, information technology - everything is simple, clear and user-friendly. Participants are arranged by category of business, much like I listed above.
Of the minuses have to mention bad internet. In the exhibition halls it was just for the money, in the halls - or free bad, or average, and also for the money. Though of course, having 100K people in a confined space, it is difficult to expect a good connection.

In the course of the exhibition held a number of very useful meetings and I saw a lot of amusing. For myself, deduced that a person living outside the United States, it is necessary to consider a hike at NAB for the following purposes:
1. Meeting with clients, partners and interested lay people, especially if they live in the US or Canada. Offering a meeting at NAB, you can most likely expect that your partner will be there too. Personal communication, nothing can replace - people want understood with whom they deal, eyes to see, to understand whether these are adequate to people from distant Russia - in general, can and must make the right impression when meeting it.
2. Familiarization with the right set of technologies. Let's say you're interested in hardware and software for the filming of programs for your Internet TV. Or are you interested in multicopter and want to see them in action, to feel alive. In the case of understanding of their area of interest can be found with the right technology for quite a finite time.
3. Or another option - is it that you came to Vegas and you have a little time during the day before had a ball in the evening :)
In my case it worked the first option. And it is believed that in the next year need to go again.

Finally - a few photos on the hottest topic of this exhibition - multicopter, or drones, as they call them. They were literally everywhere. From a dedicated pavilion in one of the buildings before scattered in different places stands.

Gallery of Vegas will not be - running around the exhibition does not leave time for hiking in the casino.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/249314/
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