5 Steps in the Talent Acquisition Process

Company leaders often wonder about the best process for talent acquisition, regardless of company size. This article will guide you through the five basic steps that will help streamline your talent acquisition process.

Generate Potential Leads
An essential step in talent acquisition process to ensuring you have a qualified pool of candidates to choose from for your current vacancy is not falling into the trap of easy hires. Often, HR managers will simply go with the first candidate or the easiest hiring option. However, these choices are not usually indicative of good decision-making.
Professional recruiters recommend that business leaders design a process for generating potential employees. The process starts with a job description, which defines the roles the staff will fulfill and the qualifications the company desires.
The next step of talent acquisition process is to promote your job postings through many channels, including professional websites for job seekers and social media platforms like Facebook. LinkedIn posting and sharing at networking events may also be beneficial. It's essential to use every opportunity in this stage to generate leads.

Selecting the Questions for Interviews
If you want to ace a behavioral interview, you should follow some basic rules. Instead of asking hypothetical questions, company owners usually prefer to hear about candidates' real-world experiences. So, carefully preparing a list of questions in advance is essential. To create a practical evaluation, start by determining 3 to 5 key performance indicators and tasks. Then, you can progress to asking questions about their previous work experience.
Some probing questions are: «What achievements can you list?» and «Can you tell me about a time when you did XYZ project?». By asking these questions, their behaviors and experiences will be more clearly understated.

Use Assessment Tools & Exercises
In addition to the standard tools for employee assessment, like IQ and EQ tests, you may also want to consider a personality test. You may also want to do some physical ability tests if the job requires physical ability.
All types of testing are acceptable as long as they do not display discriminatory content and remain relevant to the scope of work. Some exercises, such as teamwork discussions and case studies, help you evaluate thoughts and behaviors before continuing with processes and making final decisions.

Check References
There are three key elements to remember when checking references: Chemistry, Character, and Competency. Always make reference calls and cross-check the validity of the references' contents. Do not solely rely on your intuition and feeling about the candidate during talent acquisition process.

Make the Final Decision
The final step, provided you have built a complete HR system, will deliver the desired results. You should first clearly define the scoring and ratings of candidates before choosing the best employees. Read these steps carefully and implement them correctly for optimal results.
Generating potential leads and picking the right questions for interviews are two of the most crucial steps in designing a process for talent acquisition. Utilizing assessment tools and exercises can help company owners understand the thoughts and behaviors of their candidates. Checking references is also essential in ensuring the candidate is a good fit for the position. Finally, making the final selection based on the scoring and ratings of the candidates will deliver desired results.

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