Poll of the StackOverflow has identified the most profitable and most popular IT-technology
Known resource for programmers and other representatives of the IT-professions StackOverflow conducted surveys on the usefulness, value and profitability of programming languages. The results are shown in detailed report «Developer 2015". I'll try to focus on the most interesting statistics.
Population h4> As the number of people who participated in the survey, leading US and European countries. At the same time, as you know, most people live in China and India.
Technology h4> The most popular technology - JavaScript. It is followed by SQL and Java, then C #, PHP and Python.
Earnings h4> In the US, the most highly paid professionals - developers Objective-C, Node.js and C #. In Western Europe, the three leaders - Ruby, C # and Node.js, and in Eastern Europe - Node.js, C # and Python.
Job satisfaction h4> According to the survey, are generally satisfied with their work 76% of the people. In this table the average index of satisfaction, a divided by country, the first places were Iran, the Netherlands and Norway.