It created one of the most emotional scenes «The Last of Us»

Screenshot from the game i>
Seriously sensational 2013 draft «The Last of Us» is considered one of the gems among the games for the PlayStation 3, and after and PlayStation 4. Studio developer Naughty Dog , known among players due to such franchises as Crash Bandicoot and Uncharted, always very attentive to the work, especially given the fact that for many years their main bread - is exclusive to the Japanese consoles. One can argue about the preferences, but most gamers agree on one thing: The Last of Us has received more than one hundred awards in the category of "Game of the Year" by various publishers around the world for a reason. One of the strengths of the project is called history, which is not surprising, because Writers Guild of America award who horrible do not give. A scene of the meeting with giraffes in the post-apocalyptic world, it is not wildly sounds played in the description of the story and give it a color of emotional role. I suggest you get acquainted with the memories of John Sweeney, one of the artists studio Naughty Dog.
The publication contains plot spoilers. If you are: 1. Gamer, appreciating the plot. 2. Still have not played The Last of Us. 3. Do not watched the passage of three hours or igrofilm on YouTube , you should refrain from reading and discover the history of the main characters of their own. I> < br />
Meeting with giraffes during the passage of The Last of Us is for many players one of the emotional peaks and so challenging adventure stories of the main characters, Joel and Ellie, and concept artist studio Naughty Dog John Sweeney spoke about how it was created this scene: < br />
"When Ellie kill David , the game's plot reaches its most vulgar, the darkest point. In the next scene we see is a different, unusual for us Ellie. It is clearly suffering from post-traumatic syndrome, and also knows that their journey with Joel almost come to an end. Ellie realizes that is unlikely to come alive from the hospital, where on the basis of its immunity to the virus, stunned the world, will create a vaccine. It is quiet and withdrawn into itself. I'll describe the time history has been created in order to bring her character in order, once again breathe life into it. Seeing that she had never seen before, Ellie for a moment forget about the struggle and that the death that surrounds her.

Concept Art Maciej Kucera i>
This illustration is made concept artist Maciej Kucher, but then we thought it would be a zebra and giraffe are not. When I came to the team, Maciej has not worked for us and the team wanted to replace a zebra giraffe, because it looks like a more gentle, more elegant creature as the most remarkable what could face Ellie. But the setting has already been approved and sent to the development in Utah, and the gameplay has been in production.
So this part of the game was created after blocking development branch. I had a lot of work with one of the artists to create art that would accurately reflect the position of the camera and the lighting of the chosen moment. The illustration below was made even before we desired branch was blocked for changes, but during the development of the place where Dorothy met with giraffe has changed.
clickable i>
Developers have learned of the ideas from illustrations and added another leaf. Was also changed the angle of coverage the person chosen another direction of the light. The basic idea has been fixed, so that all that was needed now - it's eye contact, landmarks, to feel what it is - to play with the giraffe.

A shot of the game, clickable i>
I drew inspiration mainly from the game's story. I really wanted to depict Ellie curious, but at the same time shy and was taken aback by what he saw. She is standing next to a giraffe, clenching his fists, and does not understand, whether it be afraid of this animal, which she had never seen before. In such key plot points Streli Bruce, our game director, and Neil Drakmann, our creative director, always give clear instructions: time of day, type of lighting, mood, which shall transmit each situation on the screen. I made several versions of this game moment with different lighting and other small differences. In order to implement its plans, I had to go through several iterations, it is still unusual for me. I could do its job and in two days, but I do not regret that I spent almost a week, because I would have spent anyway on the scene for so long. Simply to get it as good as possible. »
The implementation of the game i>
Source: geektimes.ru/post/247988/
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