The study of the phenomenon of "color hearing" showed that the majority of people "see" the letter of the same color
Is a rare phenomenon синестезии was first studied a large group of people in 6588 people. The results showed that most synesthetes have a common perception of color letters in some way to show the generality of the principles of the brain.
Synesthesia - a complex psychological phenomenon of human perception of different stimuli. Such people, perceiving some sense organ specific phenomenon (visual image, object, touch the memory) can simultaneously perceive the same thing as a completely different feeling. For example, synesthetes, listening to music, can perceive sounds of different pitch and volume as a different color or saturation ottёnka. This phenomenon of "color hearing" experienced person involuntarily and described the Japanese pianist and composer Hiromi. The question "what color faucet with cold water" in people who do not have synesthetic abilities are likely brings to mind a real tap handle with a blue LED. Sinestetik, on the contrary, likely to feel blue. Though this to some extent can be logically explained by "blue" color of the water, hot water and "red" designation as a high temperature for such objects sinestetikov spontaneously form color sensation.
It is known that many of these people perceive letters of the alphabet as color. For example, Y - usually yellow, A - the red, and B - blue "letter". A group of researchers set out to assign each letter of the alphabet a certain color, interviewing 6,588 people, who called themselves the owners of synesthetic abilities. Each sinestetik posted what color he "sees" the letter. The results were summarized in the following scheme:
It is easy to notice that synesthetes perceive mostly the same letters as the same color. For example, the letter A - red (with some exceptions), and consecutive letters E, F, G - green. Very interesting is the fact that the color scheme of children's alphabet adults was painted almost the same color, which probably indicates that synesthesia is not really some rare and lose with age:
Source: geektimes.ru/post/247644/
Synesthesia - a complex psychological phenomenon of human perception of different stimuli. Such people, perceiving some sense organ specific phenomenon (visual image, object, touch the memory) can simultaneously perceive the same thing as a completely different feeling. For example, synesthetes, listening to music, can perceive sounds of different pitch and volume as a different color or saturation ottёnka. This phenomenon of "color hearing" experienced person involuntarily and described the Japanese pianist and composer Hiromi. The question "what color faucet with cold water" in people who do not have synesthetic abilities are likely brings to mind a real tap handle with a blue LED. Sinestetik, on the contrary, likely to feel blue. Though this to some extent can be logically explained by "blue" color of the water, hot water and "red" designation as a high temperature for such objects sinestetikov spontaneously form color sensation.
It is known that many of these people perceive letters of the alphabet as color. For example, Y - usually yellow, A - the red, and B - blue "letter". A group of researchers set out to assign each letter of the alphabet a certain color, interviewing 6,588 people, who called themselves the owners of synesthetic abilities. Each sinestetik posted what color he "sees" the letter. The results were summarized in the following scheme:

It is easy to notice that synesthetes perceive mostly the same letters as the same color. For example, the letter A - red (with some exceptions), and consecutive letters E, F, G - green. Very interesting is the fact that the color scheme of children's alphabet adults was painted almost the same color, which probably indicates that synesthesia is not really some rare and lose with age:

Source: geektimes.ru/post/247644/