Natural remedies to improve hearing. Prevent the emergence of deafness!
Deafness - a serious disease, and it is not amenable to treatment. Severe cases of deafness makes people unhappy, because with the help of the sound can be so much to learn about the world! Fearful - congenital deafness, but even worse when perfectly healthy people lose their hearing because of their carelessness and lack of attention to health. Hearing may wear off during a cold because of a cold. In this case, it is necessary to use tools that will remove the inflammation in the ear and temporary hearing loss cure. Sometimes, hearing is getting worse because of ignoring the rules of personal hygiene - it is necessary to clean the ears, cerumen - it is dangerous. Another reason: aging, age carries with it a sharp ear ... Follow your ears is essential if you want to live to a ripe old age and still good to hear.
the aid ears hurry traditional medicine. Only a century ago, these recipes are used for the treatment of deafness, ear infections, and various ear infections. And not without success! Check with the most effective means of maintaining the hearing on the basis of natural substances.
honey and cinnamon
Mix honey and cinnamon in equal proportions. This mixture should be eaten daily, enough 3 tbsp. l. in a day. The tool will strengthen the hearing and will stimulate the body to fight harmful bacteria.
Red wine and green tea
Red wine, as well as green tea, contains high amounts of antioxidants. They protect the hairs in the inner ear. Their function is very important - it is a barrier to bacteria that can cause hearing loss. Plug in your tea drinking mode more often, sometimes allows himself a drink of wine.
In Sicily, the garlic is considered to be a universal remedy for all diseases. To improve hearing Squeeze the juice of a few cloves of garlic, mix it in equal proportions with olive oil. Strain the oil through cheesecloth. The mixture should be dripping into your ears, 2 times a day 3-4 drops after instillation is necessary to cover the ears with a cotton swab.
The juice of red onion and garlic juice
Stronger drink you can imagine! Mix 30 ml of the juice of red onion and garlic juice 30 ml. This vigorous mixture should be drunk several times a day. The result will be evident quickly, hearing becomes more acute, the ears are no longer inflamed. All thanks to a surprising antibacterial properties of drinks!
It is also useful to make massage , if you feel discomfort in the ears. Rubs the ear, the ear lobe, the area behind the ears. Stroking and rubbing the ears come to help tone after listening to loud music or too sharp unpleasant sounds. Remember that ears hygiene is very important, do not despise it. Then your ears will be sharp into old age!
Well I want to hear everything. Share this information to someone you know, their ears will thank you!
via takprosto cc

the aid ears hurry traditional medicine. Only a century ago, these recipes are used for the treatment of deafness, ear infections, and various ear infections. And not without success! Check with the most effective means of maintaining the hearing on the basis of natural substances.
honey and cinnamon
Mix honey and cinnamon in equal proportions. This mixture should be eaten daily, enough 3 tbsp. l. in a day. The tool will strengthen the hearing and will stimulate the body to fight harmful bacteria.
Red wine and green tea
Red wine, as well as green tea, contains high amounts of antioxidants. They protect the hairs in the inner ear. Their function is very important - it is a barrier to bacteria that can cause hearing loss. Plug in your tea drinking mode more often, sometimes allows himself a drink of wine.
In Sicily, the garlic is considered to be a universal remedy for all diseases. To improve hearing Squeeze the juice of a few cloves of garlic, mix it in equal proportions with olive oil. Strain the oil through cheesecloth. The mixture should be dripping into your ears, 2 times a day 3-4 drops after instillation is necessary to cover the ears with a cotton swab.
The juice of red onion and garlic juice
Stronger drink you can imagine! Mix 30 ml of the juice of red onion and garlic juice 30 ml. This vigorous mixture should be drunk several times a day. The result will be evident quickly, hearing becomes more acute, the ears are no longer inflamed. All thanks to a surprising antibacterial properties of drinks!
It is also useful to make massage , if you feel discomfort in the ears. Rubs the ear, the ear lobe, the area behind the ears. Stroking and rubbing the ears come to help tone after listening to loud music or too sharp unpleasant sounds. Remember that ears hygiene is very important, do not despise it. Then your ears will be sharp into old age!
Well I want to hear everything. Share this information to someone you know, their ears will thank you!
via takprosto cc
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