Woman never stopped shark or pregnancy
I surf all the time! "- Says 25-year-old Bethany Hamilton, who at age 13 lost an arm after an attack sharks.
Professional surfers Bethany Hamilton and her husband Adam Dirks are in happy anticipation of their first child, and it does not prevent the couple to enjoy their favorite thing. "I surf during my pregnancy. I plan to travel as long as I can, "- says Bethany, which in 13 years has lost a hand and 60 percent of the blood while surfing in Hawaii when she was attacked by five-meter tiger shark. Since childhood, she rode the waves, participated in the competition, where they placed. But after an accident put an end to all her sporting career, but she herself put up with it did not. The girl got up again on the board. Many had to re-learn. Bethany wanted to compete on the same basis, without taking into account their disability. Since 2004 it is not just getting to the finals and even won prizes. In 2010 the girl with one hand occupied the twentieth place in the world among women surfers.
Asked whether she would be difficult to care for a child with one hand, brave girl replies, "Actually, I forget that I have only one hand, and changing diapers squirming child can really be challenging, but I just adapt to different things, and I find their ways to care for the child ».
History Bethany became a source of inspiration for many, after she wrote about it in his book "Soul Surfer: The True Story of Faith, Family, and the battle to get back on board." In 2011, this book made a film. Bethany has also become a motivational speaker and travels around the country telling her inspiring story.

Professional surfers Bethany Hamilton and her husband Adam Dirks are in happy anticipation of their first child, and it does not prevent the couple to enjoy their favorite thing. "I surf during my pregnancy. I plan to travel as long as I can, "- says Bethany, which in 13 years has lost a hand and 60 percent of the blood while surfing in Hawaii when she was attacked by five-meter tiger shark. Since childhood, she rode the waves, participated in the competition, where they placed. But after an accident put an end to all her sporting career, but she herself put up with it did not. The girl got up again on the board. Many had to re-learn. Bethany wanted to compete on the same basis, without taking into account their disability. Since 2004 it is not just getting to the finals and even won prizes. In 2010 the girl with one hand occupied the twentieth place in the world among women surfers.

Asked whether she would be difficult to care for a child with one hand, brave girl replies, "Actually, I forget that I have only one hand, and changing diapers squirming child can really be challenging, but I just adapt to different things, and I find their ways to care for the child ».

History Bethany became a source of inspiration for many, after she wrote about it in his book "Soul Surfer: The True Story of Faith, Family, and the battle to get back on board." In 2011, this book made a film. Bethany has also become a motivational speaker and travels around the country telling her inspiring story.