Inventions made by Russian
Do you think that our Kulibin only able to copy someone else's, or invent some questionable devices like ultrasonic washing machine? Certainly not! Many things that today seem so simple and obvious, a few centuries ago, it was the Russians invented. Here is a partial, but illustrative list.
Inventor heating radiator - or simply, ordinary bataerei - Russian businessman considered the Prussian-German origin Franz San Galli. At age 19, he came to this country as an employee of a trading company, and stayed; and eight years later received Russian citizenship.
In St. Petersburg, where he lived San Galli, he founded his business - a factory that specialized in the production of fireplaces and other heating devices, as well as equipment for water supply and sanitation.
The first heating radiator San Galli appeared in St. Petersburg, about 1855 and looked, by modern standards, it is strange: they were connected by a thick pipe with vertical disks. His invention industrialist named Heizkörper (from the German "hayts-Körperich" - hot box).
Welding, electric
Electric - one of the most famous Russian inventions widely used throughout the world. First, our compatriot Vasily Petrov in 1802, discovered the phenomenon volt electric arc and a year later published a book, "Proceedings of the galvanic-volt experiments ...", which described the possibility of its application to electric lighting, electric welding and metal elektropayki.
80 years later another Russian Nikolay Benardos directly invented electric welding using carbon electrodes, and already in 1888 Nicholas Slavyanov first in the world to apply in practice metal arc welding under flux, which became widely used ...
If you saw this design, it is unlikely would understand how it relates to modern trains. And yet, it was in Russia in 1820 there was the first monorail in the world. It was invented by a resident of the village near Moscow Myachkovo Ivan Elman.
He built the so-called "road on pillars" - high longitudinal beams on which the rolling trolley. Pulled them, of course, not electric, and horses, but the way the movement of goods turned out pretty comfortable. Still use!
Milk powder
This white powder, which allows to maintain indefinitely a perishable product like milk - fully Russian invention. All stages of the innovation took place precisely in Russia: from the first mention of powdered milk in 1792 in the "Proceedings of the Free Economic Society" Ivan Erich before its industrial production at the end of the XIX century.
In 1802, the head doctor Nerchinsk plants Osip Krichevsky first documented receipt of powdered milk, is not inferior to the conventional nutritional qualities. And in 1832, the Russian chemist by the name of Dirchov founded the first commercial production of milk powder.
Now making milk powder at high temperatures in special dryers. First, normalizing it, pasteurized and concentrated, and then sprayed on the powder in the turning units at a temperature of about 180 ° C.
Fire extinguisher
This is very valuable in an economy thing invented Russian Alexander Laurent. It was he who first coined the use foam to extinguish fires, and then patented the first fire extinguisher.
According to rumors, the idea came to him in a restaurant when he saw the beer foam on the bottom of the mug. Like it or not, we are unlikely to ever know, but that "Lorantina" really puts out the fire, we see almost every day.
It is interesting that at first no one wanted to believe in the miraculous properties of the fire extinguisher, so Laurent had to spend about 20 public trials, including its composition blazing fill the tank with oil.
Ice Palace
Heard about the bars and even the hotels of pure ice? In Russia such entertainment yet not so good, but in Europe almost every major city can drink strong drinks from ice glasses. And in fact, our country is the birthplace of the ice building.
In winter, the distant 1740 Alex Chamberlain Tatischev invented for Empress Anna Ivanovna fun: palace built entirely of ice blocks for clown wedding of Prince Golitsyn.
Idea came at the court of appeal, and between the Admiralty and the Winter Palace on the Neva came home, more like a ballroom: 17, 1 m in length, 5, 3 - in the width and height of 6, 4 meters. The decoration was also made of ice: a table, stools, cups, playing cards and even flowers. Melted this beauty in April of the same year.


Inventor heating radiator - or simply, ordinary bataerei - Russian businessman considered the Prussian-German origin Franz San Galli. At age 19, he came to this country as an employee of a trading company, and stayed; and eight years later received Russian citizenship.
In St. Petersburg, where he lived San Galli, he founded his business - a factory that specialized in the production of fireplaces and other heating devices, as well as equipment for water supply and sanitation.
The first heating radiator San Galli appeared in St. Petersburg, about 1855 and looked, by modern standards, it is strange: they were connected by a thick pipe with vertical disks. His invention industrialist named Heizkörper (from the German "hayts-Körperich" - hot box).
Welding, electric

Electric - one of the most famous Russian inventions widely used throughout the world. First, our compatriot Vasily Petrov in 1802, discovered the phenomenon volt electric arc and a year later published a book, "Proceedings of the galvanic-volt experiments ...", which described the possibility of its application to electric lighting, electric welding and metal elektropayki.
80 years later another Russian Nikolay Benardos directly invented electric welding using carbon electrodes, and already in 1888 Nicholas Slavyanov first in the world to apply in practice metal arc welding under flux, which became widely used ...

If you saw this design, it is unlikely would understand how it relates to modern trains. And yet, it was in Russia in 1820 there was the first monorail in the world. It was invented by a resident of the village near Moscow Myachkovo Ivan Elman.
He built the so-called "road on pillars" - high longitudinal beams on which the rolling trolley. Pulled them, of course, not electric, and horses, but the way the movement of goods turned out pretty comfortable. Still use!
Milk powder

This white powder, which allows to maintain indefinitely a perishable product like milk - fully Russian invention. All stages of the innovation took place precisely in Russia: from the first mention of powdered milk in 1792 in the "Proceedings of the Free Economic Society" Ivan Erich before its industrial production at the end of the XIX century.
In 1802, the head doctor Nerchinsk plants Osip Krichevsky first documented receipt of powdered milk, is not inferior to the conventional nutritional qualities. And in 1832, the Russian chemist by the name of Dirchov founded the first commercial production of milk powder.
Now making milk powder at high temperatures in special dryers. First, normalizing it, pasteurized and concentrated, and then sprayed on the powder in the turning units at a temperature of about 180 ° C.
Fire extinguisher

This is very valuable in an economy thing invented Russian Alexander Laurent. It was he who first coined the use foam to extinguish fires, and then patented the first fire extinguisher.
According to rumors, the idea came to him in a restaurant when he saw the beer foam on the bottom of the mug. Like it or not, we are unlikely to ever know, but that "Lorantina" really puts out the fire, we see almost every day.
It is interesting that at first no one wanted to believe in the miraculous properties of the fire extinguisher, so Laurent had to spend about 20 public trials, including its composition blazing fill the tank with oil.
Ice Palace

Heard about the bars and even the hotels of pure ice? In Russia such entertainment yet not so good, but in Europe almost every major city can drink strong drinks from ice glasses. And in fact, our country is the birthplace of the ice building.
In winter, the distant 1740 Alex Chamberlain Tatischev invented for Empress Anna Ivanovna fun: palace built entirely of ice blocks for clown wedding of Prince Golitsyn.
Idea came at the court of appeal, and between the Admiralty and the Winter Palace on the Neva came home, more like a ballroom: 17, 1 m in length, 5, 3 - in the width and height of 6, 4 meters. The decoration was also made of ice: a table, stools, cups, playing cards and even flowers. Melted this beauty in April of the same year.