An open source robot designer Multiplo

From the time that we started learning robotics students (and it happened more than two years ago), we work mostly on their own development. The main reason for that - the closure of all popular designers. Any Lego, Fishertecnnic, Tetrix is very difficult to combine something, the more difficult to modify them, the manufacturers all kinds of obstacles that because of space for creativity remains very small.
The creators of the multiplier hold exactly the same ideology that we are: maximum transparency and compliance with common standards, compatible with everything.
Multipla is the primary developer of the Argentine firm called RobotGroup. They, in general, the same geeks like us; engaged in training students and simultaneously sell their experience. Production organized in China. (By the way, as you work with them, I am deeply imbued with the fact that globalization means - is when the Russian discussing with the Argentines particular cash settlement in Hong Kong.)
Platform Multipla I would divide into the following components: a mechanical designer, electronic peripherals, and software control module.
Mechanics h4>
The most interesting part. Consists of the following elements:
- The main parts, cut with a laser machine from trehmillimetrovogo plastic.
- Hardware: screws and nuts M3 + various washers to them, plastic rivets.
- The aluminum corners.
- The tires on wheels. ol > The main parts can be cut to a laser or a milling machine, hardware - buy in your local store construction fasteners. Tires we are going to pour yourself out of silicone. Aluminum angles, apparently, only from China.
Wheels are also collected from the plates:
Plates are inserted between the cap screws Allen, which clamp the motor shaft:
Individual attention, plastic rivets:
Actually this is the main element fixture in the constructor. Riveted all going several times faster than the screw. The drawback is that they are formally disposable, actually limited number of uses; apparently, so they are in other designers and do not use.
Build on experience feeling very good, room for creativity is much more than a Lego.
Peripheral Electronics h4> All standard: these sensors, motors, servos can be purchased at any specialized shop. Feature except that the engines are very powerful: a capital structure with pictures moved on a flat surface at a speed of about one meter per second.
Control Module h4>
Argentine private development on the basis of atmegi 328. What is:
- Standard connectors Arduino.
- The driver for two motor 12B.
- Additional wiring ports under trehpinovye peripherals.
- Žumer. Li >
- Buttons Run, Reset and Power.
- Some other outputs, which I did not understand.
And everything is good, only problem is that the board is very fragile: about a third of those that we actively use already departed. To replace them Argentines asked to first send back broken; postal trade between Shanghai and Yekaterinburg - you know it.
Software h4> The Argentines did own assembly arduino IDE, added there a module for use with HID-interface libraries and drivers and other engines.
The second thing is much more interesting - a graphical programming environment minibloq:
In a graphical environment I'm not a great expert, but that I still enjoy most - here we see immediately the generated code, it is possible to edit it with this environment is easy to go to the usual coding.
Order and cost h4> We ordered for their competition sufficiently large quantities. After a long discussion and carding turnip did it as follows: Argentines sent by e-mail a list of what we need, they told us the amount we're on the amount scored arbitrary shnyagi in their online store and paid for. Delivery organized through the company, which usually brings us all sorts nishtyaki from taobao.
In value when compared, for example, Lego, the following: for the same price you get about the same electronics (though not always work), and several times more mechanics.
Summary h4> Mechanics excellent, cut it yourself, order from China - which you like best.
Develop its own control unit, organize its production - it seems to me that it was a mistake on the part of the creators, is much easier and safer to take a standard Arduino was with some Shield. Among other things, it gives more effect modularity longer satisfied with the current Shield - put another.
The future direction of our work - to develop the mechanics Multipla and put on her standard control modules.
multiplo.org/ - the main site of the project.
multiplo.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/N8.BuildingKit.v1.0.PartsList.png - The kit.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRj5SiNW1y4 - walking robot.
youtu.be/LbMC282NXvo - my hack.
More photos:
A little advertising for Ekaterinburg We have several sets of lies without control module (broken, are on their way to China). Come on, give up on cost.
Source: geektimes.ru/company/makeitlab/blog/243689/
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