Examiner read

"Inspector" - interesting satirical comedy of Gogol, which shows all the ins and outs of small and medium officials feared a sudden news of their arrival in the provincial town auditor. According to the author, he decided to include in the worst comedy of all in Russia and make fun of it. The play reveals all defects that struck bureaucratic brethren.
Arrival Auditor though very frightened bureaucrats and bums, but in no way encourages them to dramatically correct the situation and to work on the conscience instead bureaucrats directed all its efforts to ensure that achieve external imaginary being and decorum. Instead of solving the persistent problems of the town, officials clean and decorate those parts of streets and buildings, which will visit the Auditor General, but our main task - "not to miss the fact that the hand floats" are, of course, do not forget and consider it their main task to stay positions.
The mayor, who is represented in the play, as the chief bureaucrat, no different mentally, he was happy to take extortion from merchants and ordinary citizens, but to the auditor begins to curry favor, and even manages to offer a bribe. Also is convinced the mayor and the environment and indeed the alleged Auditor - Khlestakov, the main traits of Nicholas Russian officials - the hypocrisy, greed and extremely low education.
His satire NV Gogol shows the true face of the Russian bureaucracy, and thus wants to change it, after the release of his comedy is a great success, which indicates similarity fictional and real characters of the time. Gogol Examiner read or download on our website knigivsem.com, where are a lot of works of different genres and authors. The site Book city can download any book in any convenient format for free, in addition, have the opportunity to get acquainted with the biography of the author and ask about their work.