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How to make a child with a book

Some time ago the Internet spread of social advertising read, who became the winner of the competition of publishing house EKSMO, under the slogan "Reading is not harmful. Not bad to read". The child climbed on a high pile of books, looks into the distance from behind the brick wall, the courtyard inscribed with curses, and sees the imaginary and the real beauty of the world. So, through reading, he becomes above all a primitive, street, wild, and opens up a new world.

The book, once conquered man can become the love of your life. The germ of this love can give one special piece that met in childhood. Or parents, a lot of reading, and imparted an interest to the hobby to their children. Or natural literary environment in which a child grows: bookcases with books, talking about reading, the book as the best gift.

But this is all in theory. And how, in practice, to instill an interest in reading modern children?

From the first days

To start reading there is no age. Reading is not just sitting with a book in hand, it is also a retelling by heart that delayed memory. The rhythm of a mysterious "curving", which tells the mother, shaking hands, sleeping baby, lullaby is the first and teaches the melody of the verse.

And when the child learns to snap his fingers the objects in his life are books-toys, those that are difficult to break: made of fabric and cardboard, waterproof, impervious to the first teeth. With simple pictures – ball, pyramid, kitty.

Year-old child, who took up "Very hungry caterpillar" will be delighted: the book is dense, it is easy to flip through, it is possible to thrust the fingers, the story is short and clear – most likely, all words known to the child, even if he is not yet able to pronounce them. Moms and dads will be only the hundredth time in a row to read a favorite story.

Cartoons, a number of which are constantly fighting parents can become allies. Sometimes a child will first see a cartoon, and then finds out in the book, familiar characters and asks him to read stories about them. Tales Suteev – a perfect example of this brotherhood of cartoons and books for kids: they have a lot of beautiful pictures, simple text and recognizable characters.

Reading small home theater, where the parent is employed artist. Stand a pause, changing the voices of the characters so that the child believes the dog growls menacingly, the dragon breathes fire, sly Fox, and gingerbread man – merry, cheerful and naughty companion.


Books on age and situation

For obvious reasons moms and dads in a hurry to move on to more exciting books: Lindgren novels, memoirs Moomin Papa, adventures of the Wizard of oz. But the kids have to go through the nursery rhymes, and using Russian folk tales, short poems and songs. Every age has its book. Fairy tales for kids should not be a lot of introductory words and complex turns of speech. Chukovsky wrote that nursery rhymes are not to clutter epithets, the basic meaning of them are verbs and nouns, and each stanza is graphic, because children think in images. And if the couplet is impossible to draw, so these poems are unsuitable for children.

The book should be fascinating, and the situations described in them is familiar. First favorite characters children are allowed, and when readers enter into the socialization period (usually this is due to start kindergarten at the age of 3-4 years), they are interested in books about their peers. Therefore, parents need to be interested in the content, study book reviews and reviews of other readers.

It seems that now there are books on every occasion of life: potty training, the birth of younger brothers and sisters, the first trip by sea, a visit to the doctor, friendship with peers. It is useful to be able to read about familiar situations to children, say things that they fear and about which much think.

How to maintain interest in reading

In one of the best books about reading "Like a novel" the French writer Daniel Pennac have formulated 10 rules of children's reading:

1. The right not to read.

2. The right time to jump.

3. The right not to read.

4. The right to reread.

5. The right to read anything.

6. The right to bovarism (enthusiastic and sublime attitude to the reading, unwillingness to see the line between fantasy and reality).

7. The right to read anywhere.

8. The right to read out loud.

9. The right to stick ("to extract from the shelf the first book to open it at any page and stuck for a moment because we have only this moment is").


Read aloud even if the child has already learned to read independently. For children it is not only the immersion into the story, but invaluable time with the parent that he will not take one.

Use children's Hobbies. Maintain a wave of interest in knights, outer space, insects and Ancient Rome books on favorite themes.

Give books for the holidays as their children and children to whom you go for a visit.

Take the book as entertainmenton trips, read in the queue in the clinic or while standing in traffic.

Answer the questions that arise in children during the reading. Curiosity is a wonderful thing. Although if too many questions, offer to first read a Chapter and then answer all the questions at once.

Sign up in the library and choose books together with your children. In the library you will also find a lot of books from my own childhood, some of which are not found even second-hand bookshops.

Go to bookstores.

Keep a diary of the reader, where you or the child will enter the read pieces. This is a good motivator, and a simple example of the organized approach to reading.


10. The right to remain silent about what they read.

These rules, which are detailed and very exciting to understand "How novel", you can add some more tips:

Do not make reading a punishment, don't force children to read and do not deprive books for a misdemeanor.

If you think that some of the books the child is still not Mature enough, just get rid of them. All other literature, be it in physics for the curious or works of Leskov children should have free access.

Do not deny in a joint reading. If you are a matter of urgent importance, not refer to the inability to be together and read.

Subscribe to children's magazines. Puzzles, coloring, mazes, interspersed with stories and poems make children interest.

Create your own book! For example, from children's drawings. Create your own story or take ready. Pictures of characters can be found in the Internet or to draw themselves, text is also printable and you can write by hand.

Encourage children's fiction. Together compose stories on walks, before bed, in everyday conversations. Write in one notebook things to compose on the move, even the simplest of couplets, tales and nonsense.


Also interesting: a List of fascinating books for 10-12 year olds, compiled by 6th grader to peers

Learn to read fun

Involve read games. Enjoy stories, take stories for role-playing games, deklamiruya poems during walks, draw and sculpt your favorite characters.

Let the children see in your hands not only ebooks, but also paper. Talk about what you read for yourself. Tell about favorite books from their childhood. Still, a love of reading not always, but in most cases, is inherited.published


Author: Lena Charlene


Source: letidor.ru/article/deti_i_knigi_kak_podruzhit_ikh_29588/?ltd-cache=y