Between Heaven and Earth: the story of the flight attendant Belarusians

- Experienced staff joke that the best alarm clock - a Soviet classics with a crash from which the neighbors awake - laughing Lisa. - I somehow obtained with a mobile phone.

Lisa lawyer by education.
- After college, very much like to work with what was taught, and I went to court - she said. - There has been a wonderful and interesting, I liked it. But even before the first and second leaf of the salary. After these numbers enthusiasm dried up. And I became administrator of the medical center. It was also very good, but one day, buying tickets, stumbled on the banner on the casting of flight attendants.
This ad simply does not go out of my head. It seemed to me that I meet all the requirements. But there is a casting casting: about a month I passed a medical examination, and then - an examination before a group of specialists.
- What to ask?
- As if dissuaded from work. If I'm ready, I consider whether Cabin Attendants romantic and so on.
- Believe?
- I do not know. Now it seems to me that I was not expecting much, so much to gain. Girls who flying gait flit around the room, accompanied by thousands of views - it's a movie.
So Lisa hit the "Belavia" in a group of 20 new flight attendants. They were chosen from among the 30-40 candidates underwent a medical examination. How many applications were at the first stage, Lisa does not know.

On the eve of an interview with Lisa lay around nine in the evening, to wake up in the morning. Reach her flight to Hurghada is scheduled for 7:40. If you oversleep, a flight will leave some of the backup crew, who were on duty at the airport.
Now the work is less than in summer. But the schedule is known only for the next few days.
- Probably, the stewardess is very difficult to live because of this graph?
- The schedule is not the most convenient for life, but we have a lot of family working women, and they normally feel. My friend has two children, a flight attendant and, most importantly, understanding husband. If properly organized and calculate the hours of sleep, the time turns out not less than in any other profession. But a week goes astray, yes. Friday - this is not the day before the weekend, and Monday could be better on Sunday.

- I live near the train station, so I go to the famous bus 300E - Express National Airport. After 50 minutes I was at work. Basically, you can stay at a hotel in the village of "Sokol" near the airport, but I do not like to spend the night away from home.
At the site you need to be one and a half hours before departure. In front of him - the crew briefing, which discusses the nuances of a particular flight. Per hour with a small crew coming on board, takes food being prepared. Salon has clean cleaning is carried out after exit of passengers, and not before. Lisa as an intern flies only Boeing-737.
- The hard work begins when passengers enter. Everyone has their own questions. Most often asked to swap. Go at it in extreme cases, because according to the rules of safety transfer of passengers is prohibited.
- In business class can be much to ask if there are empty seats?
- Of course not. What kind of kindergarten? Grafting is carried out at the time of registration. This is possible for the alignment of the aircraft, if the tail is overloaded. But it is extremely rare. The usual practice when a ticket of economy class seats can be in business - participation in loyalty programs or for holders of gold cards.

- And why turn off electronic devices? Can you explain?
- I'm not an engineer. Probably, they can interfere with the electronics of the aircraft. But I have a simpler explanation: takeoff and landing - a minute desired concentration. Headphones, telephones and so on - all these distractions. Had that, the headphones do not immediately understand what is happening and what to do.
Once, during take-off from under the seat fell lifejacket (they are under each seat). Passenger picked it up and jokingly said, "Now I have a parachute, great." I played along, "Yes, this is your, put your parachute until the place." In fact parachute in modern passenger aircraft - useless thing.

"Belavia" does not fly for long distances. The longest flight takes just over four hours. Sitting especially does not work. First you need to hold a demonstration of rescue funds, then distribute candy, food, and then remove all often even spread some questionnaires, and all - soon landing.
- Probably, the passengers think that we stone faces when we hold a demonstration ACC - Lisa smiles. - But first times I was so embarrassed by the views of dozens of passengers, she just laughed. Had to "put on a mask».
- Tell us why candy? They really help?
- Of course, it is not a cure for differential pressure, but a little help from laying the ears. We are usually inhale, close your mouth, nose and "inflates", raising the pressure inside. Although it is not very useful. The most horrifying thing in flight - runny nose, in this case lays just awful. Do flight attendants always such a case there is a drop from the cold.
- What yesterday fed on board?
- Breakfast was scrambled eggs and sausages. Tasty, everyone liked it.
- Our passengers are very responsible attitude to food on board.
- It is true. [Laughs.] Many foreigners do not eat in principle, but our people are required in this regard.
- A drink that?
- We have a choice of three juice, tea, coffee, water. Juice of the most popular - a tomato and orange. On flights to Astana popular tea with milk. Incidentally, I also addicted to it.
- Food in business class is different?
- Different. If Cheap eats scrambled eggs, the business gets a little more: cake, meats, for example, and chocolate. Also passengers of this class in the afternoon (after 12:00) or evening serves alcoholic drinks in the mini-bottles: 185 ml of wine or 100 ml of vodka.
- By the way, drinks are served crystal glasses, and to food - plastic forks.
- Previously, stainless steel appliances forbade security service. But for a year issue has been resolved. What you got plastic - it is rather an exception to the rule.
According to Lisa, is where the flight, the crew decides to dispatch service, regardless of the desires or preferences of the flight attendants. In this case, nothing prevents them to have such preferences.
- I'm comfortable to fly to Europe. This is the calmest for flights. Conversely, many of the southern flying holidays often start celebrating already on board.
- What else foreigners differ from our passengers?
- They're probably more likely to fly, so behave calmly. If you need a pill for a headache, a foreigner, rather, he will rise from his chair, suit and ask. Our man enjoys necessarily call button. Maybe we are too executive, afraid to get up and unfastened from the chair? [Laughs.]
- It has long been on the board are non-smoking. Try sneaking?
- Yes, in the toilets. But there are triggered smoke detectors, and only on the ground of such passengers are greeted police and a fine.
Circled many countries, Lisa never set foot on the ground almost none of them. Due to the lack of long (more than eight hours) flights there is no need to leave the crew and for the rest. On arrival the team has no more than an hour to clean up, unload and load baggage to take on board new passengers and fly home. All types - through the window of the aircraft or the ladder.
- You are not afraid of the fly?
- Scary passenger. I well remember my first flight: grabbed a chair and did not let go until landing. And at work is different: it's my house, I'm the hostess, all controlled and confident pilots. But the emotions that have rarely flyer, I do not feel. This passenger can enjoy the views from the window. And we have responsibilities and work. I have no time to reflect.
- It's no secret that the flight attendants - a very charming and nice staff. Male passengers often want to meet?
- You mean the "phone number"? I try to avoid such situations. Attention have often, yes. I think if a girl very much, it can be found on the service outlet with flowers. And you're relaxing on board, and I work.