The coolest fire trucks


On the basis of MAZ-7310, MAZ-543 or, as it is popularly called "MAZ-hurricane", was built more than one generation of airport fire trucks. The machine itself is available since 1962 and is a four-wheel drive axle vehicle heavy truck wheel. Fire-modification - only the second mission "Hurricane." Initially the car was designed for the transport of heavy military artillery. And now, on the basis of MAZ-543 built such military equipment as the MLRS "Smerch", the machine provide alerting strategic missile complex "Topol" missile launcher SCUD-2 and others. MAZ-7310 has a total weight of 43, 3 tons, equipped with a V12 diesel volume 38, 8 liters and output of 525 horsepower and can accelerate to 60 miles per hour. Body length is 11, 7 meters, and the width and height - almost three meters.


This Chinese fire engine though and has a medium size, equipped with a large and powerful water cannon to extinguish the fire. Beijing Xinxing Heavy Industries company has equipped a standard cargo Youngman powerful water cannon, constructed from the turbojet engine. In one minute, the device is able to pour a ton of water over a distance of 120 meters. The relevance of the invention manufacturer explains that sometimes have to put out the fires on weapons and chemical factories, warehouses of combustible materials - in places closer to the person for whom unsafe. This machine is worth 5 million yuan (about 800,000 US dollars). Interestingly, the jet engine borrowed from the aircraft Shenyang J-6 - Chinese copies of Russian MiG-19. The Chinese began to produce them in 1958, and in the nineties, more than 3000 copies were written off - so no shortage of components Xinxing Heavy Industries has not yet experienced.

Big Wind

But something much more massive and effective built Hungarian engineers commissioned by the United States. To extinguish fires in the oil fields of Iraq has been developed a truly unique machine. Soviet T-34 tank was equipped with two water cannons from the jet engines of the MiG-29. In one second, this machine is able to pour on the flames more than 830 liters of water per minute and - more than 30 tons. In motion machine provides a 40-liter diesel V12 power of 580 horsepower and weighs firefighter T-34 about 42 tons. Maximum speed was artificially limited to five kilometers per hour. Approximate price of a fire truck on the basis of the T-34 (including the cost of training the crew and additional equipment such as special protective suits) was about three million dollars. Development is actively used during the Gulf War and helped to avoid many of the global financial and environmental losses.

And this is a Soviet development: Tracked fire engine based on proven tractor MT-T. For fire-fighting water jet meet four rather big (though not turbojet). The idea belongs to the Kharkiv Machine Building Design Bureau named after AA Morozov. When the design of this machine stake on the track in front of the main advantage of wheels - a fire tank to overclock (maximum speed of the tractor MT-T is 65 km / h), can blow disperse burning object, caterpillars crush debris and simmer already burning wreckage.


This caterpillar fire engine on the chassis of the T-55 created at Lviv armored repair plant. This armored vehicle capable of putting out fires higher degree of complexity in the most extreme conditions with water (stream range - up to 60 meters), and a special foam powder. It is interesting that according to the terms of reference GPM-54 was intended for fighting forest fires, but the scope of this machine was much wider. In particular, a couple of these plants were used at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Also often GPM-54 for firefighting artillery depots - thanks armored corps, tank fire could get close to the source of fire, without jeopardizing the life of the crew.


Another brainchild of Ukrainian tank builders - Tracked fire engine, created on the basis of the T-64 in the shops of the Kharkov armored repair plant. This model, presented in 2010, much more modern of its predecessor, the GPM-54, was born in the distant 1977. Age affected the efficiency of the machine - is worth more powerful water cannon that can "hit to kill" a distance of 100 meters. 52-ton tank fire with a crew of three people is driven by a 700-horsepower engine, allowing speeds up to 30 kilometers per hour. According to the specification, the GPM-54 can be used to extinguish the warehouse of explosives, as well as in terms of contracting highly toxic substances.


Talking about the coolest fire engines can not ignore the model of "Impulse-2M". This fire fighter was developed in Kiev Design and Engineering Center on the chassis of the T-62. But "Impulse-2M" is interesting not only that. Home "highlight" model - a 50-barrel multiple rocket launchers, allowing to fire hazard area charges with a special fire extinguishing powder. Such a feature can not be used "Impulse-2M" on "citizen", but putting out fires neftenyh or other sources of fire, which is difficult to find a conventional fire fighting equipment, this machine is very efficient.