Cicret bracelet wrist turn into a touchscreen

Of all the modern "smart" bracelets one of the most unusual and interesting can be called accessory Cicret. This device is an external screen for a smartphone or tablet while it is used as a touch screen ... the skin on the wrist cheloveka.

From the mass of existing mobile now Cicret must be attributed rather to the "smart" hours, although in shape and size, it is more like a simple fitness bracelets, for example, the device MiBand from a Chinese company Xiaomi.

Unlike the vast majority of "smart" hours Cicret no screen itself. Nevertheless, it may serve as an external display for your mobile device. This paradox is resolved by a small projector that is built into this bracelet braslet.Emkostny projector screen turns into the skin of the wrist person on whom Cicret worn. It is not about individual functions, as implemented in the modern "smart" hours, by which time you can see, the caller's name person to read text messages and emails, and about the full screen smartphone or tablet. Cicret reproduces screen polnostyu.

The user can use the screen, projected on his wrist, exactly the same as the display of your smartphone - turn the pages, open applications, change settings and t.d.Braslet Cicret absolutely waterproof. And, then, with it you can go to read the latest news in the bathroom or on the beach without fear soak mobile telefon.

Cicret opens up a new era of interaction between man and his mobile device. This bracelet looks like a real device from a science fiction movie. A couple of years ago and it was impossible to dream about the imminent implementation of such technologies, and now employees of the company that developed the Cicret, use a test copy of this incredible "smart" bracelet.
Source: www.novate.ru/blogs/121214/29085/