How the bracelet works against overeating
From time to time, each of us comes up with a brilliant idea – to start a new life. The essence of this plan is something different: quit smoking, eat less and lose weight, move more or stop sticking to social networks. However, often all these plans are broken about the lack of willpower. We stick around for a while and then go back to our old lives.
Changing old habits is not easy, but we all have a wonderful rush to help. modern. Editorial "Site" It's about a device that changes your life.
The device we wanted to tell you about today is the Pavlok bracelet. This device is designed to help users develop the habits they need. The developers have chosen for this very elegant and unusual way - electric discharge.
Today it is. novelty one of a kind. In some ways it looks like a regular fitness bracelet, but you can not call it as kind. Shocker bracelet not only tells you how much harm you did, but also punishes for deviation from the plan.
The device is based on algorithms developed by psychologists and tested in humans. In accordance with them, the bracelet must ensure the fulfillment of obligations that the user himself chooses. The bracelet can be used to form certain skills: learning a foreign language, daily exercises and much more.
The name of the device is associated with the famous experiments of academician Pavlov. Here the principle is about the same: the bracelet will punish the owner with a discharge of current and a new habit will be formed quite quickly. The point is to introduce the right habit into the mind of the user, punishing if you fail.
How does it work? Let me give you a simple example. You set the alarm clock on your bracelet, and it had to wake you up early so you wouldn't be late for work again. The bracelet will only let you ignore your alarm once and then just electrocute you. You think it's too much? Maybe it works.
It is a multifunctional device that can be programmed for any task. Overeating? The bracelet will electrocute you for eating too much. Trying to quit smoking? Electric shock for an extra cigarette. The bracelet can remind you of warm-up, training, and it can even control your desire to constantly “scroll” in your smartphone.
You'll say you can always change the settings. However, for this trick, the developers came up with a trick. You can let someone else control your bracelet. That is, you choose a kind of coach who monitors the fulfillment of your vows, and in case of a pass gives the bracelet a command to remind you of this.
We think that this bracelet will be a good help in creating new habits. One of the developers, Maneesh Sethi, admitted that this device helped him lose 13 extra pounds. That's the result, isn't it?
Thanks to crowdfunding, the creators were able to raise enough funds to start the production of the device. Now it's available to everyone. A reliable and reliable assistant will cost users $ 250. The price bites, but it's quite reasonable, as an opportunity to change your life.
Of course, such a device is not suitable for everyone. But it is still a great way to overcome the power of your habits and finally realize what you have long dreamed of!
Science does not stand still, every day there are interesting inventions that improve human life. For example, a bicycle, which in just 60 minutes of work can provide a small house with electricity for a day.
We love to delight you with new things from the world of technology, for example, we recently wrote about how a simple boy from Mexico managed to save thousands of lives with his invention.
What do you think of this invention? Would you buy a bracelet like that? Tell me in the comments.

Changing old habits is not easy, but we all have a wonderful rush to help. modern. Editorial "Site" It's about a device that changes your life.
The device we wanted to tell you about today is the Pavlok bracelet. This device is designed to help users develop the habits they need. The developers have chosen for this very elegant and unusual way - electric discharge.
Today it is. novelty one of a kind. In some ways it looks like a regular fitness bracelet, but you can not call it as kind. Shocker bracelet not only tells you how much harm you did, but also punishes for deviation from the plan.

The device is based on algorithms developed by psychologists and tested in humans. In accordance with them, the bracelet must ensure the fulfillment of obligations that the user himself chooses. The bracelet can be used to form certain skills: learning a foreign language, daily exercises and much more.
The name of the device is associated with the famous experiments of academician Pavlov. Here the principle is about the same: the bracelet will punish the owner with a discharge of current and a new habit will be formed quite quickly. The point is to introduce the right habit into the mind of the user, punishing if you fail.

How does it work? Let me give you a simple example. You set the alarm clock on your bracelet, and it had to wake you up early so you wouldn't be late for work again. The bracelet will only let you ignore your alarm once and then just electrocute you. You think it's too much? Maybe it works.
It is a multifunctional device that can be programmed for any task. Overeating? The bracelet will electrocute you for eating too much. Trying to quit smoking? Electric shock for an extra cigarette. The bracelet can remind you of warm-up, training, and it can even control your desire to constantly “scroll” in your smartphone.

You'll say you can always change the settings. However, for this trick, the developers came up with a trick. You can let someone else control your bracelet. That is, you choose a kind of coach who monitors the fulfillment of your vows, and in case of a pass gives the bracelet a command to remind you of this.

We think that this bracelet will be a good help in creating new habits. One of the developers, Maneesh Sethi, admitted that this device helped him lose 13 extra pounds. That's the result, isn't it?

Thanks to crowdfunding, the creators were able to raise enough funds to start the production of the device. Now it's available to everyone. A reliable and reliable assistant will cost users $ 250. The price bites, but it's quite reasonable, as an opportunity to change your life.

Of course, such a device is not suitable for everyone. But it is still a great way to overcome the power of your habits and finally realize what you have long dreamed of!
Science does not stand still, every day there are interesting inventions that improve human life. For example, a bicycle, which in just 60 minutes of work can provide a small house with electricity for a day.
We love to delight you with new things from the world of technology, for example, we recently wrote about how a simple boy from Mexico managed to save thousands of lives with his invention.
What do you think of this invention? Would you buy a bracelet like that? Tell me in the comments.