Awareness by Titov (Dream Traveller)
0. Total absence.
The man himself is not osoznaёt.On not that does not know where he is - he does not even know what he is in this world.
For example: in the evening we go to bed, falls into a pit unconscious and do not remember anything in the morning.
Or another example: when consuming alcohol awareness may fall to zero in the physical reality. Then out of this state, a person absolutely can not remember anything from the fact that with him proiskhodilo.Eto does not mean that it was not there? He was, but at a zero level of awareness.
1.Mutnoe consciousness. Consciousness as delirious. Man can not think logically, but at least remember what happened to him. Ordinary state of consciousness during dreams that make no sense. You can not even be aware of what is happening and to assess the situation.
2.Slaboe understanding. Analytical thinking is not working, but subconsciously you are in control. Sleeping on this level is the logical connective, and clearly well-remembered, but understanding what is happening weak.
3.Lёgkaya doltishness. Proiskhodyaschego.Otsenka understanding of the current situation and management eyu.Danny awareness corresponds very tired or a little drunken cheloveku.Takoy awareness during sleep can already be safely attributed to controlled snam.Nekotorye mentally retarded people are on it, and in the physical reality.
4. Secondary awareness. The average level of awareness of the common man. This is our usual state. Present analytical thinking, study of possible situations, understanding from mistakes.
5.Povyshenny awareness. This level corresponds to people intellectually gifted. It scholars, thinkers, people who can represent the volumetric problem instantly find ways out of difficult situations. Not only to assess the situation, but also to calculate its advance.
6.Ponimanie mira.Uroven integrity, which becomes clear when the true structure mira.Etogo level reaches unity - a great teacher, spiritual cleansing lyudi.Ponimanie world as a single volumetric tselogo.Vospriyatie occurs, immediately with all storon.Vozmozhno knowledge of the future and the past , the manifestation of paranormal abilities.
7.Vysshee osoznanie.Uroven consciousness sozdatelya.Chelovek his consciousness merges into consciousness sozdatelya.Dlya it does not already exist and secrets zagadok.Proiskhodit awareness vsego.Ponimanie mira.Vsё integrity - are one and we named yavlyaemsya.Dlya that consciousness has no limits and limitations. This consciousness is not able to perceive itself as a single unit ...